The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Patent Rights 11 01 2023

 I am not sure of any of this.  It is pure conjecture.

So you have an American man working for an American Corporation. In his contract the Corporation owns the patents he worked on and developed?

Now let's say a Corporation from a foreign nation now buys that Corporation, and then owns those patent rights?

Does anyone have a problem with that?  It equates that foreign government that corporation is answerable to as being the equivalent of ours.  And it isn't.  It could be a monarchy, a dictatorship or veiled Communism.

That researcher was "made" by America, not some pirate nation.


Now let's say an American Corporation builds up assets and is sold to a foreign Corporation.  What right do they have to have them?

The money in the deals is like a snake isn't it?  But nobody sees it.

It is like our Governments are all equalized to the least common denominator government by that snake?

And they then get the courage to make all sorts of power threats against us?  The good of the modern world came from us.  The freedoms of the Constitution.  

The freedom to believe that you would make an idea of yours work.

 © 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

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