The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, March 30, 2018

Criminal Reciprocity and Homeland Security 03 30 2018

Criminal Reciprocity and Homeland Security 03 30 2018

So on the TV news this am they were saying that google can track everything about you and it is surprisingly accurate.

How come they can do that but they can't tell you who sent you the ransom-ware that infected your computer?  They have that level of skill and they can't tell you that?  The only reason they wouldn't tell you that would be because of criminal reciprocity.

And who are they collecting that information for?  Homeland Security?

And what is really the goal of Homeland Security?  False elitism and maintaining wealth?

I know what wealthy daughters are like and I would never want to date one.  I have nothing in common with people like that.

So they can track everything about you but know nothing about those who sent you the ransom-ware that infected your computer and locked all your files unless you pay ransom?

1.  That is Unconstitutional unreasonable search and siezure.
2.  That is treason.
3.  That is queer organized crime that infiltrated the United States Government.

How much money have we blown on defense and homeland security?  More than half the yearly budget?  And all that money spent isn't protecting us!  It isn't making us safer.  It is robbing this country blind.

But what does it really boil down to?  What does this element in Capitalism make it?  An odd fixation on man because you didn't grow up to be one and you didn't have a father who was one.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

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