The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, June 30, 2019

When a 400 HP Outboard Motor Costs $35,000.00 you would think the American Automotive Companies would want in 06 30 2019

When a 400 HP Outboard Motor Costs $35,000.00 you would think the American Automotive Companies would want in 06 30 2019

And bring the price down to more what a car motor costs!

I don't mean to be a stick in the mud with regard to local businesses; but when the only people who can afford nice things are Percy, Winston, Shylock and Drug Lord Pimp we got a problem!

Lets say you wanted to buy a new motor for your car, how much would it cost?  Probably $3 grand, to use the common vernacular.  In that vernacular they call women "broads."

And don't give me they already are or already tried that baloney.  How come the Chinese can whack stuff off inexpensively and we can't in the United States?  Again it has to do with the funnel of money going to Percy, Winston, Shylock and Drug Lord Pimp.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Why I am Pro Choice 06 29 2019

Why I am Pro Choice  06 29 2019

Who has irresponsible sex that leads to irresponsibly giving up that child for abortion other than the irresponsible?

Why increase the proportion of the irresponsible genetic demographic in our nation?  Why make that a bigger and bigger part of our populace?

Whether there is a beating heart or not or any of those weak minded considerations is a moot point to me.

Oddly enough the things Republicans state they don't like mostly have to do with people lacking personal responsibility.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Marijuana users should be drug tested once a year for Drivers License eligibility 06 29 2019

Marijuana users should be drug tested once a year for Drivers License eligibility 06 29 2019

At least that often.

Should a user of alcohol be allowed to have a drivers license?  It depends on what you believe the rights of the normal human being going about their merry way should be with regard to being hit and killed by a drunk driver.

What are the odds you will be killed by a drunk driver?

So if 29 people die every day in the U.S. that amounts to 10,585 per year.

Granted there are some 314,000,000 Americans.  But does that total really matter?  Do you know what I mean?  The larger a population gets the smaller or more less important by proportion that death count seems?  The total of 10,585 seems too large to be acceptable.

Donald Trump wouldn't retaliate against IRAN for shooting down our drone because 150 lives would be lost. 

So lets say that Marijuana usage becomes as prevalent as alcohol usage and the death toll by pot drivers is the same.  Then you would have 21,170 deaths a year for the two of them.

58,220 Casualties in Vietnam.  The War lasted 19 years 5 months 4 weeks 1 day.  So what is that about exactly? 19* 365+150+29=7,114 days.7114/365=19.49 years.

58220/19.49=2,987 Casualties a year.

In other words Drunk Driving comparatively causes 10,585/2987=

3.5 times the casualties of the Vietnam War while it was going on.

Or we can do it the other way.  Over 19.49 years there were 58,220 casualties from the Vietnam War.  Similarly over a 19.49 year time frame there would have been 206,301 causalities drunk driving.

Now lets say my pot projection is correct.  There would be 412,602 casualties from pot/drunk over that 19.49 year time frame. or 7 times the casualties of the Vietnam War.

Were there pot users protesting the Vietnam War? Yes.  It should mean something to you but it doesn't.

And so indeed, why not?  Because I assert comparison is the fundamental of learning.

So if a person does not compare, what is the substitute for that in their mind?  Gibberish?  A gibberish stream of consciousness?

And isn't that just the nature of the odd sounding voices that somehow mysteriously taunt human beings?

And indeed what is all the inebriated person is capable of?  By definition of the state of consciousness, gibberish.

And here is the final jab.

And hasn't that been our Governmental policy with regard to the issue?  What amounts to gibberish?

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

You can't explain this to me; because their is only one answer.  "Why blame the addict and not the seller?"

And perhaps we have come full circle today?  Who is it in history that didn't believe that life was fair?  Judas!

Iteresting Pschological Observation 06 29 2019 draft

Interesting Psychological Observation 06 29 2019

A person whose belief system is entrenched by their thought process.

Another way to articulate it might be; their belief system is limited because of their thought process?

What does it really mean to be narrow minded?  It is a far worse problem and challenge for our nation that we are willing to admit.

Do alcohol and drugs keep a mind in the same channel?  If so how?  Because they are false reinforcements of mood.

And what do I mean by thought process?  Perhaps how often a person reacts negatively with emotion?  What a person seeks to deny about themselves but will always be confronted by reality with?  What bothers that person who is narrow minded?  The free thinking of the normal?

Now just take a step back and think about it.  Paint a picture of it.  Someone who is extremely bothered by the free thinking of the normal.

As if it is futile to think?  Who teaches a child that it is futile for them to think for themselves?  Someone that has very little confidence in their own ability to form valid thought constructs.

"This persons mind is being too busy bouncing around like a pinball machine out of order with negative emotions to be able to think for themselves."

Separating the wheat from the chaff.

1.  Is it caused by an active external influence?  In this instance is number 1 caused by number 2?

2.  Is it caused by an active internal influence they will not change?  In this instance, how does this person feel about themselves in this world?  When they go out in public what are their prime motivating factors?  Where do they believe they are?  Could we paint a picture of where someone believes they are from how they act in public to other human beings?  Somehow it is the expression of being in hell/purgatory.  Number one didn't put them their.  Number 1 is of their own individual reality.

What did Jesus say about it?  "Do not fear me, fear the one who can cast both your mind and body into hell?"

That is also a blame game phrase isn't it?  Or perhaps it is two sided.  From the same point of understanding as this article is?

Let me expand on the concept.  Number one is going about their merry way.  Perhaps they are walking or riding a bike or whatever.  And the slight breeze they create is highly offensive to number 2.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Is this funny? Maybe not. Maybe just the opposite. 06 29 2019

Is this funny?  Maybe not.  Maybe just the opposite.  06 29 2019

"The Mexican housemaid who makes a bed for an American Politician for two years and then claims she got f_____."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

That shouldn't be the way a mentally defective son of a very wealthy family first has sex; someone like that should be sterilized IMHO. 

On Religion 06 29 2019

On Religion 06 29 2019

"To tempt Christ until you contrive a reason to crucify him."

And indeed here there might have occurred a disambiguation of the words Persecute and Prosecute?  Meaning, they were originally the same word.

So who would do that to a human being?  Someone born with Brain Fuzz?  Without going into more detail as to the cause of mental retardation than that.  Or perhaps I will.  Just a little more.

 A mother that puts beer in her babies bottle is no different than a mother that drinks while pregnant.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Friday, June 28, 2019

"There are absolutely no victims from legalized drugs." 06 28 2019

"There are absolutely no victims from legalized drugs."  06 28 2019

That is what Politicians who are for legalized drugs want you to believe.

But really, what does it mean?

It is kind of like the me too gang of Special Education people?

In other words those who propagandize the legalization of drugs are also propagandizing that there are no victims of legalized drugs.

But again what does it have to mean?

It means those who are propagandizing that belief were born victims of legalized drugs already!

Kind of like how a tribe of zombies gains strength and power through membership!

Develop strong verbal ability as a way of tap dancing around being mentally defective?

The happy clown club?  "Look how happy I am as a clown!  Don't you want to be one too?  No worries!"

It begs the vary serious question, "Why don't Politicians who opt for legalized drugs care about the victims of drugs?"

Because they all live off the stolen soul of someone labeled schizophrenic in medical fraud.  The one mind for all communist tribe?

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

In summary.  If you don't care about the victims of drugs then you don't care about people.  If you don't care about people you are not one of us.

But lets look at Communism.  Prostitution is rampant in Communist Russia.  So apparanly in addition to one mind for all they also naturally believe in one woman for all.

And indeed Jesus Christ and the Bible warned us about that.  Something to the effect of those who sleep with the same woman are all of one mind and those who sleep with the same man are all of one body.  I can't find the Bible quotes I am referring to in Bible search engines.  But I will swear on the Bible that they are in there.

And indeed Science is proving that true that you indeed take on DNA elements of those whom you sleep with.

Monday, June 24, 2019

So if Marijuana Becomes Legal 06 24 2019

So if Marijuana Becomes Legal 06 24 2019

How many people with Government jobs will sit around smoking all during the work day?

Do you mind paying 27% interest on a Credit Card while someone working at that bank is getting high all day?

What is the problem?  Everything in this country is mediocre already!  Legalized pot is only going to make it much worse.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

How come they can push through pot legalization rather quickly but they can't seem to be able to address any of the other issues facing the real people of this country?

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Why don't the news headlines read accurately? 06 23 2019

Why don't the news headlines read accurately?  06 23 2019

"A developmentally disabled adult male was identified as the shooter.."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Really Bad Humor 06 20 2019

Really Bad Humor 06 20 2019

"The reason bald people don't have any hair is because they scratched their head one too many times with a coat hanger?"

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Military Spending is a Complete Waste 06 19 2019

Military Spending is a Complete Waste 06 19 2019

With at least 26,000 cases of sexual assault a year it means:

"We are paying people we should be defended against to defend us!"
No better way to tell you where you really belong then that.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy 

If one could make the claim that the purpose of the Intelligence Agencies is to help wield the military it would mean that the intelligence agencies are a complete waste too!  Who knew!

A Constitutionally mandated Well Regulated Militia cannot be comprised of Dumb and Dumber 06 19 2019

A Constitutionally mandated Well Regulated Militia cannot be comprised of Dumb and Dumber 06 19 2019

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Friday, June 14, 2019

Every Single Problem that we have today in the United States is because 06 14 2019

Every Single Problem that we have today in the United States is because 06 14 2019

Every Single Problem that we have today in the United States is because Law Enforcement failed to enforce Prohibition.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

So indeed there is a dynamic there isn't there?  Does it have to do with those who might have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism being a main faction of Law Enforcement/Judicial System?

What does it mean?  It means we need to create a Constitutional Amendment whereby those who have a drug dependency cannot be in Government.

Why?  I will just assert that it has the propensity for poor decision making at the most important level to take place.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Humor 06 14 2019

Humor  06 14 2019

What I think would be funny would be a Calendar with the Dates of the "Three Stooges" women featured on it!

Full disclosure, I do not own the copyright or trademark to anything "Three Stooges" related.

Barring that.  I wonder if I could create my own Milwaukee Calendar with women "like" that featured?

What would I call it?  So that you knew that it was in jest and not serious?

I liked the Olde Frothingslosh Beer cans too.

Boys and men need those kind of images in their lives!

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

And if that is the kind of woman that raised you, don't take it personally.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

A War Crime 06 13 2019

A War Crime 06 13 2019

Seems to me that what some Nazis were tried for, convicted and executed for as being a War Crime was happening before there was ever an official War!

Which means what?  The obvious answer would be, they were doing something so horrible that it necessitated other countries to go to War with them!

So what am I getting at?  So lets say that horrible corruption is going on within a country today.  Lets say that country goes to War.  And later on many who thought they could never be touched or prosecuted, are found guilty of War crimes that happened before there was ever a war.

Do I believe that any U.S. President who tortures should be brought to justice and face conviction with whatever sentence should be appropriate?  Of course I do.

And it would be a great fresh start for both the United States and the human race.

Hey what the heck, I can dream can't I?

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Another point here is that.  Look at all the medicines that are killing people.  Look at all the horror that is on the news every day.  You would read it and you would swear that we are at War with something already in this country.  When do things that cause a great death toll in this country rise to that status of a War Crime?

To control our Government so that Drunken drivers can kill people while you are still allowed to profit handsomely from alcohol sales.

When I see someone that uses Tobacco what do I think?  That I am 100% sure they are going to die an extremely painful and long drawn out death when the influence of that product finally defeats their normal cell division.

Does it violate your FREEDOM when you are not free to stop using a product because it is addictive?  Of course it does.  How come wording like that is never worked into our legal system?  Again it is the living dead who like every opportunity that they can find to snottily dismiss concepts like that?  Concepts of man?

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Humor: Didn't you know? 06 11 2019

Humor:  Didn't you know?  06 11 2019

"A Nature Bar is really a Candy Bar in disguise!"

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Monday, June 10, 2019

Ford Edge Negative Space 06 10 2019

Ford Edge Negative Space 06 10 2019

So I have had a Dent King dent removal device for a very long time.  Perhaps 20 years.  But I never had to use it until someone put a mystery 4" dent in the back upright part of the "fender" in the SUV.  I figure someone with an F350 or something hit it with the side mirror.

But in order to remove that dent first I tried to rub it out with a polyurethane rod.  From the inside.  In order to do that  you have to take out all of that interior plastic otherwise known as trim.  Three pieces of it that line the back right side of the car.

So I got that off and then I looked from right to left and back to right again in the back of the SUV.  And what did I see?  There was a lot of space unused behind that trim panel.  There must have been an air pocket there of at least 6 cubic feet!  Enough for probably 4 extra paper bags of groceries on that side.

It bothers me because sometimes it seems like that car needs a little extra "trunk" capacity.  It is there it is just hidden behind those panels where you can't use it.

So my mind starts to wonder why?

Then I think of how cars of U.S. manufacturers are made in both Mexico and Canada.  Then I think of how Mexico and Canada are large producers of Marijuana.  Then I think of the Pension funding needs of the automakers.  That's what I thought.

So the bottom line is this.  If there was a company out there that wanted to engineer an aftermarket interior trim panel that more fit the contour of the car body back there I would buy them in a heartbeat and swap them out!  In order to engineer a product like that they would have to take into account the shock absorber, strut or whatever it actually is top mount.  And make a rise of about 2" there.  Then in the back by the window, between the hatch window and the back right hand side window is what looks to be a "fuse" that will trigger the airbag.  So they would have to encapsulate that properly with the new trim panel.  Other than that a lot of space could be realized.

So why did they make it that way?

I want to say something like in order to be successful in the United States at anything today you have to be completely undeserving of it?  Hence those are the engineers that were hired?  Then my mind starts to think in odd terms like John Bulls hatred of gentiles.

© 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

Owning It 06 10 2019

Owning It  06 10 2019

To say that it belongs to you.  Some things can never belong to you.

We are getting into a very important legal distinction here.

Does a child belong to a parent?  I would say yes.

But what happens when that adult believes that other people belong to them to?

Do you have the right to discipline your own child?  It should be considered for the child's own good.  And here is the complete crux of the issue.  What happens when you have a child so dumb that no amount of discipline can help them?  Then you get arrested when you crossed that line.  Which really means what?  That you should not have had children in the first place.  Hence the advocate of Pro Choice.

Now here is what I believe to be the main crux of the abortion debate.

So your child grows up to be a bad person.  Someone that is advocating something that you don't agree with.  Well lets just generalize here.  Lets say that someone grows up to believe or say something that you don't agree with.  In fact you believe that they should be put in prison or have the death penalty for it.  In fact you even hinted that you would go to war and kill people who were pro choice.  Epiphany, you are the exact reason we are pro choice!  So that someone doesn't grow up to be exactly like you!  In fact you are pro choice even though you don't know it.  And again for me to try and explain how and why you are wrong other than that would be like talking to a fat lipped donkey!

© 2019 Thomas Murphy




The headlines read

"Cop's firm, human trafficking linked"

Now I read that headlines with all due respect to the Police Force.  I assumed the word firm meant strong conviction.  But it doesn't it means Company in this case.

So I went to the website and these are what the headlines read::

"Police Officers company tied to defendant in forced labor case"

"Victims of human trafficking gave testimony of threats, dangerous working conditions, exploitation"

"Human trafficking scheme forced men to work on Wisconsin farms, Feds say"



But on the other hand I recently heard a lot of television propaganda gaining steam advocating Unconstitutional Gun Control such as a ban on high capacity magazines.

So in summary.  ONE is: You can't have officers of the court committing treason.  TWO is:  and at the same time be advocating treason.

We have two Constitutional Amendments that ban both someone's ability to take your gun as well as enslave you!

So this article started out as can't have slavery rearing its ugly head while at the same time be advocating gun control.  It means your a really bad person.


And what is Schizophrenia?  What is it really?  It is the mentally defective among us wanting to "Own" a human being!

The ultimate sore losers on earth!  Know without a shadow of a doubt they will never be as good as a human being, so they attempt to own it in order to defeat their depressed sense of self.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Do you get it yet?  Someone can't believe two things that are contradictory, not be able to explain that correctly and not be mentally defective.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Learning and the stream of Consciousness or Conscience? 06 09 2019

 Learning and the stream of Consciousness or Conscience?  06 09 2019

Sure that is a disambiguated word?

But here is really what this one is about:

Once a person learns the reasons in order as to why they should not do something should they have to remember all of those premises?

Lets say that an individual learns that if ten steps of action are taken in this order that such and such will happen.  Should that person always remember those ten steps?  No.

Are you following me yet?  Should you have to explain to someone with a disordered mind why they shouldn't do something?  It is an exercise in futility isn't it!  And someone might use the terminology that person is not on the same wavelength?  When wavelength really has nothing to do with it does it?

That phrase would imply that all ten steps are inherent in one brain wavelength?  Can never be that way can it.  Because your memories are different from everyone else's.  We are not made like cookie cutters.

So why do we learn?  So that we can do things faster smarter.

Okay lets say that someone tries to trip you up,  They think that they are getting really cute.  And they seek to defy step number 6.  Believing that you no longer remember its importance as to step number 10?

It really doesn't matter does it?  Because steps number one through 6 are their own construct.  You had to learn them  first and plateaued at that point, even if briefly before you could get to step 7?

Following this at all?  It has to do with the futility of being an idiot?

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

It also debunks those who claim to have knowledge without learning?  An articulation of an important difference between people?

And wait a minute.  You explain something to someone and they form a single image of it in their memory.  However that construct is invalid in many ways.  Why? 1. Because it isn't premise based.  2.  It likely has its origin of understanding via a verbal connectivity viewpoint rather than cause/ effect, spatial relations, mechanics?

Am I indeed talking about the archetype Vineyard owner in the Bible?

When I read this Bible search on vineyards I have to ask the question.  Was the purpose of a Good Shephard to take his sheep to the vineyard in order to destroy it?

Sunday, June 2, 2019

A Blight within our Nation 06 02 2019

A Blight within our Nation  06 02 2019

You have Financial and Media industries that are not being regulated by our Government but instead are acting like they are part of our Government.

It should not be that way.

So it happened over a very long time?  And how would you prevent it from happening in the future?  By preventing certain family lines from participating in those industries in the United States.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

On the flipside you have Government Authorities that are not acting like Government Authorities but instead acting as they are part of Industry.  Can you vote them out?  I don't see how it is possible!

Even if you vote for someone with the ideals to change the above in order to implement it and get into those layers that are antidemocratic and unconstitutional and fire people it wouldn't be immediate; but instead lag so long that it would not be accomplished.

So how did it get that way?  It is the only way "puss in boots" could fit in here.