The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Marijuana users should be drug tested once a year for Drivers License eligibility 06 29 2019

Marijuana users should be drug tested once a year for Drivers License eligibility 06 29 2019

At least that often.

Should a user of alcohol be allowed to have a drivers license?  It depends on what you believe the rights of the normal human being going about their merry way should be with regard to being hit and killed by a drunk driver.

What are the odds you will be killed by a drunk driver?

So if 29 people die every day in the U.S. that amounts to 10,585 per year.

Granted there are some 314,000,000 Americans.  But does that total really matter?  Do you know what I mean?  The larger a population gets the smaller or more less important by proportion that death count seems?  The total of 10,585 seems too large to be acceptable.

Donald Trump wouldn't retaliate against IRAN for shooting down our drone because 150 lives would be lost. 

So lets say that Marijuana usage becomes as prevalent as alcohol usage and the death toll by pot drivers is the same.  Then you would have 21,170 deaths a year for the two of them.

58,220 Casualties in Vietnam.  The War lasted 19 years 5 months 4 weeks 1 day.  So what is that about exactly? 19* 365+150+29=7,114 days.7114/365=19.49 years.

58220/19.49=2,987 Casualties a year.

In other words Drunk Driving comparatively causes 10,585/2987=

3.5 times the casualties of the Vietnam War while it was going on.

Or we can do it the other way.  Over 19.49 years there were 58,220 casualties from the Vietnam War.  Similarly over a 19.49 year time frame there would have been 206,301 causalities drunk driving.

Now lets say my pot projection is correct.  There would be 412,602 casualties from pot/drunk over that 19.49 year time frame. or 7 times the casualties of the Vietnam War.

Were there pot users protesting the Vietnam War? Yes.  It should mean something to you but it doesn't.

And so indeed, why not?  Because I assert comparison is the fundamental of learning.

So if a person does not compare, what is the substitute for that in their mind?  Gibberish?  A gibberish stream of consciousness?

And isn't that just the nature of the odd sounding voices that somehow mysteriously taunt human beings?

And indeed what is all the inebriated person is capable of?  By definition of the state of consciousness, gibberish.

And here is the final jab.

And hasn't that been our Governmental policy with regard to the issue?  What amounts to gibberish?

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

You can't explain this to me; because their is only one answer.  "Why blame the addict and not the seller?"

And perhaps we have come full circle today?  Who is it in history that didn't believe that life was fair?  Judas!

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