The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, June 28, 2019

"There are absolutely no victims from legalized drugs." 06 28 2019

"There are absolutely no victims from legalized drugs."  06 28 2019

That is what Politicians who are for legalized drugs want you to believe.

But really, what does it mean?

It is kind of like the me too gang of Special Education people?

In other words those who propagandize the legalization of drugs are also propagandizing that there are no victims of legalized drugs.

But again what does it have to mean?

It means those who are propagandizing that belief were born victims of legalized drugs already!

Kind of like how a tribe of zombies gains strength and power through membership!

Develop strong verbal ability as a way of tap dancing around being mentally defective?

The happy clown club?  "Look how happy I am as a clown!  Don't you want to be one too?  No worries!"

It begs the vary serious question, "Why don't Politicians who opt for legalized drugs care about the victims of drugs?"

Because they all live off the stolen soul of someone labeled schizophrenic in medical fraud.  The one mind for all communist tribe?

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

In summary.  If you don't care about the victims of drugs then you don't care about people.  If you don't care about people you are not one of us.

But lets look at Communism.  Prostitution is rampant in Communist Russia.  So apparanly in addition to one mind for all they also naturally believe in one woman for all.

And indeed Jesus Christ and the Bible warned us about that.  Something to the effect of those who sleep with the same woman are all of one mind and those who sleep with the same man are all of one body.  I can't find the Bible quotes I am referring to in Bible search engines.  But I will swear on the Bible that they are in there.

And indeed Science is proving that true that you indeed take on DNA elements of those whom you sleep with.

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