The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Selling children on a vision of adulthood that defies maturity 10 31 2019

Selling children on a vision of adulthood that defies maturity  10 31 2019

It makes it almost impossible for them to be well adjusted adults and drug free individuals.

And it also seems to hand in hand with this concept;  Gender Identity Leading.

To whose benefit is Gender Identity Leading if not a pedophile?  It is really a concept promoted by non gentiles?  And I seriously do ask that question.


So why do they sell children on a vision of adulthood that defies maturity?  Because they know these are children who will not emotionally mature?  It could also be a projection of self pity?  Or perhaps it is because they know these are mentally defective children who see the world in lesser terms...or rather have a very hard time comprehending the world.

Also part of this would be propagandizing the general concept of  "magic?"

And indeed these are parents who make donations or secret donations to universities in order for that child to have a College Degree?

Copyright 2019 Thomas Murphy

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Do United States Oil Corporations have oil Rights in the Middle East that they didn't have there before the War? 10 201 2019

Do United States Oil Corporations have oil Rights in the Middle East that they didn't have there before the War?  10 201 2019

Were those oil rights (if that is the way it is) obtained with out giving consideration to the Iraqi Citizens? 

Well lets say it is true.

Then who should be profiting from those oil sales and profits made by United States Corporations?

How about every single adult male who was eligible to be drafted into the war during that time?

Get it?  Get it yet?

Is it nationalisation?  Not really.  It is deconstructing that corporate element to put the risk and reward with the American People rather than Corporate Management and Wall Street profiteers.


Same thing goes for currency trading profits.  We sink a foreign nation because their currency is devalued while American Wall Streeters profit?  We could end up getting in a War with such a nation because they will then have nothing and direct that piss off at us?  Doesn't it really mean those currency profits belong to every adult male citizen who could be drafted to fight in such a war?


We cut trade with China and somehow they come after us for about the same reason.  Doesn't it really mean that profits up to that time really belong to every adult male who could be drafted to fight in such a war?


And as I live my American life and look around me at all the odd things and people.  All the crime.  All the drug users.  etc.  I ask myself, would I want to be drafted into a War and possibly loose my life for such and such a low life?  Every young adult American should be asking themselves that.


And what happens when all adult young men are getting high all the time.  Are those people who are going to fight for our country if need be?  Just ask yourself, what does that pot user have to fight for?  Their life was already ruined?  For some reason they were sold impulse happiness of drugs instead of reward for achievment?  They are not going to fight for our country.

And I am not for gun control at all.  But I have to ask myself.  In a time of War do you really want to give a pot user an automatic rifle while they are on the same line of defense that you are?  They already don't believe in Democracy they believe in Communism!  I think someone like that says to themselves I finally get to legally shoot goody two shoes, who could listen and learn, who came from a loving "nuclear" family....I finally get to legally shoot goody two shoes right in the back.


Did you ever talk to someone and you thought to yourself, if that person could get away with a clean bill of health from smoking cigarettes they would be blowing their smoke in your face at every possible opportunity.  We went in the right direction with regard to that.  For some reason we are propagandized to believe that pot can't not be legalized, and alcohols problems are here to stay and part of our American life.  When I hear pessimism like that I only think one thing, that person is a looser!

© 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, October 18, 2019

Picture Chinese Men all walking under a large Festival Costume of a Dragon 10 18 2019

Picture Chinese Men all walking under a large Festival Costume of a Dragon  10 18 2019

Children therefore learn not to slay the dragon because they figure out at the end of the festival that it is there very own father dancing under the stick with the tent like structure above it?

Makes you wonder about the origin of that?

A group of Chinese soldiers come to a village.  They realize the village is full of complete imbeciles.  So instead of being violent in order to conquer the village they hold their pup tents above their shoulders and pretend they are a dragon?

China knows the answer or bad fate to communism is the dragon?  How so you ask?

The Chinese metaphor that defeats Communism is that the effort of the group (as compared to the effort of an individual) really just represents the will of the Dragon?

Individually they know not to pollute but as a group they put more DRAGONS BREATH  (toxic pollution and smoke) than a mythical dragon?

A member of a group is less than an individual.
However a group of individuals is stronger than a group formed to act as an individual. (the weakness of Citizens United?)

Copyright 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

(This was really part II of II.  Part one was written and published here.[0]=68.ARCTGm5Zzrbcm9G3di_YfrkXsDdRQY26khkwGFfMKzAtIFxTdXGcAm0PlUir5TPLfPTkeuJbuSPpgPmKR8_HlhsZqP183UQU5j7NjiWIXIHH1tlRHK-d6W7UiLchsbw2hrKrBe9tk-F-FX1GlG06bdboBPWy6GDikvJkhedhKukSvbiN0PsmFRof95vrQYZI7XNtxlDFfvNxdXRAE-vFL79h9KD2IMvxgAU2YQHMVhT2HxMEGY-iX8CK7x4LmoEaz23fXAEX9rTCwAQivTgzJM4R9vO-d1wf8wUgJLUv_wF_SPROvVmUrqZXBXHQDS3fCBKwhyAmzW54EUHOhfK0GdhB  

Starts off like this:  "
Ask yourself, who is it that would do their best to ruin the product of an individuals human mind?
Then ask yourself what foreign countries ideology was that action supporting; if not communism?
Deemphasize the individuals work in favor of Group Labor Camps?"

Atheism Humor 10 18 2019

Atheism Humor 10 18 2019

"God created you."
"No my mother and father created me."
"Well God created them."
"No there mothers and fathers created them."
"Well God created the first humans."
"No it was some monkey beating another monkey over the head with a stick, for eating the fermented fruit and going even more wild?"


Seriously, humanity resides in the human soul.  The human soul has a human conscience and human reason.  The ability to know right from wrong.  The ability to know what is best for your family.  The ability to know that what is best for the health of your human family is also best for the health of the human race.

It is something that someone that gets drunk on the church wine and has a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome mentally defective child will NEVER have!  NEVER!

© 2019  Thomas Murphy


"But who created the monkey if not God?"
"It doesn't matter because I am not a monkey I am a man.  The evolution of the human soul as compared to the brain of a beast.  And perhaps Jesus Christ said it best, "Don't yeah know that yeah are Gods?"

When you look at how long and took and how far life had to develop into the human soul you have to wonder if there was always and active force attempting to prevent it from existing throughout ALL history?  It is like somehow the human soul was destroyed and concentrated into a singularity before the Big Bang?  The pieces of it taking eon after eon to recompose themselves into what we are today.

To advocate nothing and delude yourself into believing that because you act contrary to the human soul that you therefore perpetuate its will and existence?  Something a mentally defective person has to believe; because they can act in no other way.  When you can act in no other way that criminality you delude yourself into believing that is your purpose in life, that is what God meant you to be?  It isn't true.  God didn't make you; your drug using parents did and you are more flawed than the rest of us because of it.

How come Facebook can use your content without paying you 10 18 2019

How come Facebook can use your content without paying you  10 18 2019

However if you and I did it we would face a lawsuit that would make us homeless and then death from exposure to the elements!

So how come Facebook can use your content without paying you?

Because it is a J3w5 Legal Delusion come true.  Taking something without providing adequate "consideration."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

He died for our sins 10 18 2019

He died for our sins  10 18 2019

Ask yourself why it really doesn't bother the individual preaching that, that people continue to sin against each other!

Often when you get into an argument with a religious person they will say that to you.  (With regard to Jesus Christ dying on the cross.)

Isn't it really a way of saying, Go ahead and sin because Jesus Christ died for you?  And perhaps that concept is what allowed Martin Luther to take off on the tangent of religion as he did.

Life, God and heaven and hell don't work that way.  You cannot have the will to sin and get into heaven!  You can not live your life with the will to sin and get into heaven!

So what is it really?  It is really alcohol marketing.  That ancient church attempting to sell you a bottle of wine from some wealthy vineyard owner nearby?

And why is alcohol sinful?  Because it negates your human conscience (part of the human soul.)  The sanctity of the human soul!  Alcohol is the leading cause of mental retardation in the Western Hemisphere.  A human soul is comprised of a human conscience and human reason.  Alcohol destroys the regions of the brain responsible for memory and learning.  How can you have a human conscience if you can't remember wrong from right?  How can you have a human soul if you cannot reason? How come those of the Pro Life movement are never concerned with the SANCTITY OF THE HUMAN SOUL?

They assume that sin has no victim?

He died for our sins is the use of a scapegoat.  A human crutch for you.  It is paganism!  It is throw caution to the wind!  Buy my product on impulse!  Get your happiness from me from a drug that creates the effect on the brain only for an impulse.

So who benefits from, "He died for our sins."  Those who are so dumb they can't figure out that they did something wrong!  Those who are so dumb that they would never be able to forgive themselves when they did something wrong because of a brain defect.

"What can we tell people like that so that they buy our product that makes them prone to violence and also having mentally defective children through Fetal Alcohol Syndrome."  Just tell them that it doesn't matter if they sin or commit crimes because someone already died for their sins.

And it goes hand in hand with the odd duck that doesn't believe in the death penalty.  "Look buddy there isn't going to be any death penalty around here, that guy on the cross already died for your sins.  Go ahead and get psycho tanked up on booze and beat your family to bloody hell if you want,  Jesus Christ died for your sins."

I could go on and on with this stuff.  But people start to look at me like....I am not one of them?  I am not one of something, I am an individual.  And I am supposed to be living in a country comprised of individuals and not one of somethings.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

And what is the modern corporation?  Ever work for someone and they didn't want you to be an individual they wanted you to be a one of something.  I even had the President of a Corporation tell me when I wouldn't drink alcohol at the conference dinner table this, "I don't recognize that."  What I am getting at is the pier pressure you face to drink or smoke or talk crass when the only employment you can find is to work for someone who drinks and smokes and talks crass.  When you have a group of people who drinks and smokes and talks crass (corporation) who will only buy from a group of people that drinks and smokes and talks crass.  Oh and do they like the individual thinking of a human being?  Quite apparently not or some of us would not be tormented with the voices of the inbred demonic?

The groups only business validity comes from that which it gleams (steals) from the minds of such individuals.  It's cutesy queer isn't it!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Why does Joe Bidens skin complexion look like Freddy Krueger Bayou Creole Version 10 15 2019

Why does Joe Bidens skin complexion look like Freddy Krueger Bayou Creole Version 10 15 2019

Seriously ask yourself why the two likely candidates for President in 2020 Trump and Biden look like they have Albino Skin?  We know Trump as a problem because if you look at young photos of him he also had the Freddy Krueger Bayou Creole complexion.  You can look at the circles around his eyes that are still that way because he can't put the carrot cream that close to his eyes?

That Albino gene coming from interracial geneology?  Trump definitely ashamed of it or he would not be using the carrot cream or whatever the effect is that he uses.

And again why the leading candidates are that way?

Does it have to do with the members of a certain controlling religion all having the black gene?

And please forgive me if this offends you.  Unless you are a millionaire it shouldn't offend you if you are of that geneology?  What am I getting at?  I don't know how to say it.  Perhaps a corollary phrase from the Bible just to be safe?  Beware of something that really isn't something?

And tonight's candidates in the Democratic debate seemed to have no commonality with the American People.  And don't you dare say that Elizabeth Warren is a radical!  She is the only one up that had the courage to say things that are relevant to Americans.  But I would be disappointed if she were on the ticket with Bernie?  Why?  I don't believe in him.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

And maybe I should ask why Freddie Krueger had albino skin?  From cannibalism and not mixed genes?  Or was it a result of both?

Elizabeth stated she would give $200 a month more to Social Security recipients.  I ought to write down everything she said she would do.  And then if she becomes President we can keep prodding her to get it done!  She wants to crack it!  And so do I!  Crack it, essentially meaning make it fair.  She could get my vote!  Even though I don't think a woman should ever be President of the U.S. (even though I voted for Hillary.  What can you do when only given the choice of what you believe is the lesser of two evils?)

Christ how wrong is that?  Being given a choice between the lesser of two evils?  "You little shit you either take a drink of my whisky or have a cigarette or you aint' one of us."  I hate that.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Alcohol Healthcare Economy 10 14 2019

Alcohol Healthcare Economy  10 14 2019

So a man his wife and his friend drink alcohol for 35 years.  And each of them needs a new liver.

A woman, her husband and their teenage child are in a car and they are hit by a drunken driver and all of them are killed.  And in good faith all of them had checked organ Donar on their Drivers License.

So the man his wife and his friend who drank alcohol for 35 years each get a NEW LIVER.

I don't know where to start with this, other than to say it is wrong in so many ways.  Am I saying that in effect that is about the way it happens?  Yes.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

You know what?  I bet they are harvesting internal organs even if you didn't check organ Donar!  I mean is the family of the deceased going to look under the suit and shirt of the guy in the coffin?  No.  And even if they did the chest would be stitched up from the embalming practice?  Yeah, I do they that "they" are completely rotten and lie about absolutely everything!

You are not to Judge 10 14 2019

You are not to Judge 10 14 2019

So the other day I was driving on the expressway and a car passed me on the left.  It was buckled in the center because it had been in an accident.  And yet it was still being driven.

So I started to think what happens when you try and sell that or someone tries to buy it?

What would the Catholic Church say?  That you are not to judge the state of that car or the owner of that car?  That you are just to buy it and not judge it?

I mean that is complete horeshit isn't it!

So why is that in the Bible?

1.  Jesus was talking to the mentally defective given the euphemism of sheep?
2.  After you get the free sample of wine at church you are expected to buy a bottle of it from the local vineyard own who made it?  And if you can't afford it you further the cause by holding them in high regard because you have been taught it is something you should afford?  "Oh good God!  Oh miss Molly.  Kiss me under the Holy.  Hezuess say's its the blood of Christ and therefore the more you drink the more like Christ you become."  Again more horse shit.

Do you know what the phrase has always reminded me of?  When W C Fields plays the snake oil salesmen and says, "Get away from me kid your bothering me."

So indeed I asked someone did the fish monger bring fish to your families farm way back when?  "No."  He answered, the Indians brought natural medicines and tried to sell them to us from the Trunks of their Cadillac's."

And here we go.  The British supported the Native Americans against the Colonists.  The Original colonists didn't want anyone to drink too much because they wanted them to have the ability to understand and obey laws.  But the Native Americans did not produce their own alcohol, at least not on that level of consumption scale.  They got it from whom?  Same British Colonists who couldn't drink enough booze fighting for England in WW2?  Kind of reminds me of the wealthy Iraqi's at a disco as we are going to war with Iraq.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Alcohol as a Drug 10 14 2019

Alcohol as a Drug 10 14 2019

So it was illegal per the 18th Amendment of the Constitution.  But those who had either a prescription for it could be used in religion.

But what about today?  Perhaps if a person decides to use alcohol at the legal drinking age they should have their liver function monitored?  And therefore a prescription for the use of it should be required?

How about once a person decides to use it they should also be required to be screened for the cancers that it causes?  And perhaps evidence of the sixty diseases it causes?

And shouldn't the use of it as a drug be Prohibited if a person develops cancer?  One would think that if you develop any type of cancer you would have the common sense to say, "That's it, I am never drinking again."  But it doesn't work out that way.  Very few people have the resolve and intelligence to make that self disciplinary call.

What about mental illness?  I will assert that if you have ever had mental illness in your family line it should not be allowed to be sold or given to you.


© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Let's say that you drink and then you mouth off to someone.  They complain and then you are not allowed to buy it?  I think that is fair too. Why?  That mouthing off is indicative of your inability to cope?  And there is only one way to cope?  Moral resolve?  But what about when the strongest moral resolve doesn't solve the problem or conflict you are experiencing?  That still doesn't mean that you should have a prescription for alcohol.

I have to ask about Depression.  Let's say a person has a genetic birth defect illness whereby they will not experience life like a normal person does.  What are the odds they will experience depression?  What are the odds they could react to it with violence?  See where I am going with this?  Depression, what is it?  It is repressed anger that you can't express because you know it isn't valid?

Are there people who would be Depressed if they couldn't take that anger out on you every day at work?  I do believe in Darwinism?

But what about the person who has Depression as a result of their ENVY of someone else?  Have you ever heard a Psychiatrist diagnose someone as having envy based Depression?  More likely than not a psychiatrist would attempt to convince a normal person that they have envy and should have envy?

But who has true envy based on a birth brain defect and who doesn't has never been codified in medicine.  I know what you are saying in response and without me saying it I will say my response to that is wouldn't my idea bring peace to the world?  Then you will say why do we need peace?  So we don't get in WW3 and take the planet out, the good and the evil both, with nuclear contamination.

And what about the person that doesn't have the courage to be a loud mouth a hole until they drink.  In fact that is why they drink.  So that they can experience the courage that normal people have to speak up?  But yet when these people speak up it is a complete fabrication of their abnormality?  As if they are attempting to impose that view, which they cannot logically support in any way, onto reality.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

And what about Phobias?  Label this phobia as an illness and that phobia as an illness.  What about fear of crime ridden neighborhoods?  That isn't a phobia at all it is common sense.  What about fear of being swindled by someone in the Investment Business.  Again not a phobia.  What about phobia of having your child pushed drugs on?  Again not a phobia.  Common sense.  Parental concern.  Patriarchal morality.,

And what of the person whom you are working for that is extremely jealous because you do the work better for them than they could do it and present it themselves?  Somehow we shouldn't have to put up with that in our country.  Which really means what?  Salary leveling and likely wealth redistribution.

You don't have to turn on the television for too long before you figure out so and so didn't have the moral integrity to make the amount of money that they did?

So indeed you go to work and you have to work with people that drink and smoke.  You work with people who have criminal like integrity?  And you have to otherwise you don't eat.  I say it isn't right and it should not have been allowed to rise up in our country.

And then you pay $10 for a Cheeseburger at lunch and you ask yourself, "Why does this cost so much?"  Because people like Johnny Bulls Trump keep raising the rent to stay ahead of you?

How many people can't save because of that principle?  No matter how much they make they can't put any away?  What is the cutoff?  You own a house that costs so much and if you make this much ___ a year then you will save?  The point being is that cutoff is way too high!  And it is wrong.

So you don't want to drive through a crime ridden neighborhood and you are therefore diagnosed with negrophobia?  And you don't trust those who run corporations or the investment business and you are given the exact same diagnosis?  Okay we could say that is tongue in cheek?  And you won't see a psychiatrist because you say it contributes to your negrophobia disorder?

More power to you.  God Bless.

Copyright 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

Poetry Humor 10 14 2019

Poetry Humor  10 14 2019

There was once a kid who vaped
He parked outside my house
I see him no more
Because of what he did espouse

© 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

As if they are so much stronger than the rest of us for Reconciling 10 14 2019

As if they are so much stronger than the rest of us for Reconciling 10 14 2019

So one day you will see Putin make a remark about Trump, or perhaps that Kim guy make the remark.

And the next you see them shaking hands and smiling.

As if they are so much stronger than the rest of us for reconciling.

Complete propaganda on a worldwide scale.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How to stop a Financial Depression 10 09 2019

How to stop a Financial Depression 10 09 2019

So lets say we got into another tailspin like in 1929, how could we pull out of it really quick?

Put a ban on the production of alcohol and tobacco!  How much water is used to grow those crops?  How much energy is used to produce them?  How much grain?  How much farmland?  And there is absolutely no benefit from them to mankind, only liability, expense and death.

Those crop lands could be seized by the U.S. Gov and potatoes could be produced there.  Everyone would be fed.

And that economic hardship would end quickly because the wealthy would not want to live in a state of sobriety!

I am going to assert that WW2, the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the Great Depression and the 21st Amendment were all machinations by the wealthy who were born genetically defective that could not bear living in a world of sobriety.  ….could not bear living in a world confronted by human reality!

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

What if 10 08 2019

What if 10 08 2019

What if every wealthy vineyard or brewery owner (etc.) were required to spend the rest of their natural lives meeting the daily needs of those with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

What if every Tobacco Company executive were required to spend the rest of their lives working in a lung cancer clinic?

What a different world it would be.  Changed for the better for eternity.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

And what a great matching principle it would be!

What we learned from the JFK Assassination 10 08 2019

What we learned from the JFK Assassination 10 08 2019

That you have to have a system that eliminates organized crime in place long before you ever come into the office of the President because if that system isn't there already and you try and eliminate organized crime organized crime will eliminate you first.


I believe that the United States should legally be "CLEANED" of any and all who torture.

And whether the person doing the torture wasn't smart enough to know it was illegal or whether they did and did it anyway; it doesn't matter the sooner they are gone the better for the human race.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

When I read news stories where a pimp burns a woman with a coat hanger heated by a lighter I think 10 08 2019

When I read news stories where a pimp burns a woman with a coat hanger heated by a lighter I think 10 08 2019

These people never belonged in our communities they belonged in a Zoo of the Sub Humanoid at best.

And that is why I will always be Pro Choice!  Always!

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

And don't you dare threaten me with that, "Who am I to judge." defense.

I think that this is funny 10 08 2019

I think that this is funny 10 08 2019

Helping out an aging parent is kind of like being a Butler.

So how much is a butler paid?

Per a Bing Search.


How much do butlers get paid?

According to the International Butler Academy, a butler usually earns $50,000 to $150,000 a year, plus benefits such as room and board, a car, vacation time, phone and/or airline ticket home. GQ Magazine, for example, starts at $60,000 a year in countries such as Dubai with a shortage to as little as $40,000... Aug 9 2018
So indeed if you take care of an elderly parent because of financial implications because of the London Interbank Offer Rate perhaps England should be sending you a check for what they get over there.  After all it is your money.  Jesus Christ would call them, "money changers" and beat them out of the Church or Temple with a Good Shepherds Staff!

God bless Jesus Christ and his lessons!

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Can I tell you how crooked the United States is? 10 08 2019

Can I tell you how crooked the United States is?  10 08 2019

I think I heard it right that someone told me that during Prohibition, which was part of our Constitution, even the Sheriff was making mental retardation causing whiskey in one Wisconsin locale.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

It means you had Law Enforcement committing Treason against our Great Nation!

The Interest Rate a White Middle Class American pays should have no connection 10 08 2019

The Interest Rate a White Middle Class American pays should have no connection 10 08 2019

The Interest Rate a White Middle Class American pays should have no connection to any foreign country or foreign bank in ANY way!

Our Interest Rates should have nothing to do with the London Interbank Offer Rate, etc, etc.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

The Concept of Using War as a Eugenics Program 10 08 2019

The Concept of Using War as a Eugenics Program 10 08 2019

What if both sides sent the undesirable off to fight in a war in no mans land?

I don't know what I am getting at here.  But the concept of once things become propagandized to be normalized in this country, such as legalized drugs, mental retardation and homosexual marriage your normal teenage son could be drafted into a war and in die in it for those people.

And I don't believe in that!  But what if it were the other way around?  You sent the mouthy disrespectful inner core person of one country to combat the same in another country.  And again this isn't like the movie the Hunger Games it is the exact opposite of that.  You send the miserable wealthy person to fight the miserable wealthy person.

And why give them guns at all?  Why give them guns at all when you would send a normal young white man to fight a normal young white man in a war today only to take away their gun when they get home, label them mentally ill and find them homeless because they can't afford housing because something called the London Interbank Offer (interest) Rate.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Monday, October 7, 2019

How many English Lords are there living and residing in the United States? 10 07 2019

How many English Lords are there living and residing in the United States? 10 07 2019

They are here alright?  But who are they?  Where can I find a list of their names?

For example is every President of a United States Corporation today an English Lord?

Some have very Irish surnames.

It has profound implications with regard to employment in the United States!  It has profound implications with every public policy that we have in the United States.

If you are an English Lord perhaps you belong living in England and not the United States.

What if we looked into it and found out that the sum of their actions and influence amounted to espionage and treason?

According to that website there are 800 of them.  Doesn't say when it was published though.

Because Congress cannot grant a title of Nobility doesn't it also mean that Congress can not financially benefit someone with a title of nobility?

What am I getting at?  Economic public policy that has supported the equivalent of a House of Lords in the United States?

Creating Limited Liability in effect is granting the rights to the title of nobility isn't it!

I would argue that makes Limited Liability Constitutionally illegal.

So why is that important?  I view it as a shield used by organized crime.

Are they tied in with Religion?  Yes they absolutely are!  Do dollars you put in a hat at a Church in the United States end up in the pocket of an English Lord somewhere?  I think they do.

I just did an internet search.  And here is what I came up with:

I believe that Congress has the right to preclude them from having financial interest and dealings with the United States or within the United States.

I can here you saying.  "What are you kidding me?  Who do you think you are?  What day and age do you think you are living in?"

So what!  I said it.  And I have every right to say it.

Trump doesn't even have the FBI do investigations for him.  He uses a foreign country?  Senator Johnson doesn't trust the FBI or the CIA?

I believe that all of those intelligence agencies need to be defunded.  Alone with the measures listed above.

Why?  Our Democracy is straying way too far away from our Constitution and our rights to Freedom.  And it has to stop.  And legal measures have to be taken with that end goal in mind.

None of this linked government mind financial ties into the United States.  And this is indeed what Globalists are.  Trump doesn't like them or he does?  Who knows.  If he doesn't I don't he would ever create effective policy to confront the intrusion of foreign/alien interests in our country.

What is legalized drugs if not an alien interest?  Alien not meaning from outer space like the Pollock  thinks. (Often pronounced Fu3k1ng Pole Lock) But meaning odd, ostensible purpose, serving an interest unusual to the United States.  Way too much of that has been allowed to go on!

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

(How many of those mass shooters look like fu3k1ng Pole Locks to me?  All of them do!  Same goes for hmo's)

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

You can't have voucher students and teachers coming into my neighborhood 10 01 2019

You can't have voucher students and teachers coming into my neighborhood 10 01 2019

You can't have voucher students and teachers coming into my neighborhood and parking in my driveway because there is no provided parking for them.

Oh Christ you would consider that a success in teaching if the only thing that person could learn would be not to park and obstruct someones driveway.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Quote of the day 10 01 2019

Quote of the day 10 01 2019

"The United States Savings Bonds replaced by worthless lottery tickets."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy