The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, October 18, 2019

He died for our sins 10 18 2019

He died for our sins  10 18 2019

Ask yourself why it really doesn't bother the individual preaching that, that people continue to sin against each other!

Often when you get into an argument with a religious person they will say that to you.  (With regard to Jesus Christ dying on the cross.)

Isn't it really a way of saying, Go ahead and sin because Jesus Christ died for you?  And perhaps that concept is what allowed Martin Luther to take off on the tangent of religion as he did.

Life, God and heaven and hell don't work that way.  You cannot have the will to sin and get into heaven!  You can not live your life with the will to sin and get into heaven!

So what is it really?  It is really alcohol marketing.  That ancient church attempting to sell you a bottle of wine from some wealthy vineyard owner nearby?

And why is alcohol sinful?  Because it negates your human conscience (part of the human soul.)  The sanctity of the human soul!  Alcohol is the leading cause of mental retardation in the Western Hemisphere.  A human soul is comprised of a human conscience and human reason.  Alcohol destroys the regions of the brain responsible for memory and learning.  How can you have a human conscience if you can't remember wrong from right?  How can you have a human soul if you cannot reason? How come those of the Pro Life movement are never concerned with the SANCTITY OF THE HUMAN SOUL?

They assume that sin has no victim?

He died for our sins is the use of a scapegoat.  A human crutch for you.  It is paganism!  It is throw caution to the wind!  Buy my product on impulse!  Get your happiness from me from a drug that creates the effect on the brain only for an impulse.

So who benefits from, "He died for our sins."  Those who are so dumb they can't figure out that they did something wrong!  Those who are so dumb that they would never be able to forgive themselves when they did something wrong because of a brain defect.

"What can we tell people like that so that they buy our product that makes them prone to violence and also having mentally defective children through Fetal Alcohol Syndrome."  Just tell them that it doesn't matter if they sin or commit crimes because someone already died for their sins.

And it goes hand in hand with the odd duck that doesn't believe in the death penalty.  "Look buddy there isn't going to be any death penalty around here, that guy on the cross already died for your sins.  Go ahead and get psycho tanked up on booze and beat your family to bloody hell if you want,  Jesus Christ died for your sins."

I could go on and on with this stuff.  But people start to look at me like....I am not one of them?  I am not one of something, I am an individual.  And I am supposed to be living in a country comprised of individuals and not one of somethings.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

And what is the modern corporation?  Ever work for someone and they didn't want you to be an individual they wanted you to be a one of something.  I even had the President of a Corporation tell me when I wouldn't drink alcohol at the conference dinner table this, "I don't recognize that."  What I am getting at is the pier pressure you face to drink or smoke or talk crass when the only employment you can find is to work for someone who drinks and smokes and talks crass.  When you have a group of people who drinks and smokes and talks crass (corporation) who will only buy from a group of people that drinks and smokes and talks crass.  Oh and do they like the individual thinking of a human being?  Quite apparently not or some of us would not be tormented with the voices of the inbred demonic?

The groups only business validity comes from that which it gleams (steals) from the minds of such individuals.  It's cutesy queer isn't it!

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