The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, October 18, 2019

Atheism Humor 10 18 2019

Atheism Humor 10 18 2019

"God created you."
"No my mother and father created me."
"Well God created them."
"No there mothers and fathers created them."
"Well God created the first humans."
"No it was some monkey beating another monkey over the head with a stick, for eating the fermented fruit and going even more wild?"


Seriously, humanity resides in the human soul.  The human soul has a human conscience and human reason.  The ability to know right from wrong.  The ability to know what is best for your family.  The ability to know that what is best for the health of your human family is also best for the health of the human race.

It is something that someone that gets drunk on the church wine and has a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome mentally defective child will NEVER have!  NEVER!

© 2019  Thomas Murphy


"But who created the monkey if not God?"
"It doesn't matter because I am not a monkey I am a man.  The evolution of the human soul as compared to the brain of a beast.  And perhaps Jesus Christ said it best, "Don't yeah know that yeah are Gods?"

When you look at how long and took and how far life had to develop into the human soul you have to wonder if there was always and active force attempting to prevent it from existing throughout ALL history?  It is like somehow the human soul was destroyed and concentrated into a singularity before the Big Bang?  The pieces of it taking eon after eon to recompose themselves into what we are today.

To advocate nothing and delude yourself into believing that because you act contrary to the human soul that you therefore perpetuate its will and existence?  Something a mentally defective person has to believe; because they can act in no other way.  When you can act in no other way that criminality you delude yourself into believing that is your purpose in life, that is what God meant you to be?  It isn't true.  God didn't make you; your drug using parents did and you are more flawed than the rest of us because of it.

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