The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Who Should Earn Interest on Their Money and How Much? 03 31 2021

 Who Should Earn Interest on Their Money and How Much?  03 31 2021

Should someone with more money earn more interest on their money than someone with less?

That is the way it works, but should it work that way?  A person is actually being valued based on how much money they have?  Could have won it in the lottery or inherited from a crime boss, or their spouse died of mysterious circumstances.

But better yet.

I think a person who doesn't smoke should earn more interest on their money than one that does!

I think a person that doesn't drink should earn more interest on their money than one that does!  (Boy would that level this country in a hurry!)

A person that wants to get the Covid 19 should earn more interest on their money than an ignoramus that goes around telling everyone not to wear a filtering mask.

A person who does not use drugs and is righteous in their condemnation of them should earn more interest on their money.

A person who doesn't advocate teen pregnancy, having children out of wedlock, should earn more interest on their money than the other.

These are my righteous beliefs!  They are mine!  A person who wants to put someone on psychiatric medicine for having beliefs like this should not earn interest on their money.

Lets say a father has a shotgun and keeps it in the corner of the room.  All the children learn out of respect you do not open that case and look at it without your father there.  That father should earn more interest on his money because he was able to teach his family a greater responsibility.  Whooo!  Just nailed an issue right there your ....I want to use a really derogatory term to describe the media...that the media never mentions.  Why doesn't the media ever once see that issue that way?  It has to do with having an invalid father figure and turning out to be something nonstandard?

Should a woman who drinks alcohol like a fish while pregnant earn interest on her money?  Heck no!

Should a Corporation, which is not a real physical person, earn more interest on their money than a real person?

Should a pimp or pedophile earn interest on their money?  I would say no.

Should someone who takes measures so that United States Citizens cannot work earn any interest on their money?  Heck no!  Heck no!

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

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