The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Is a Trumpet a French Curve 07 31 2021

 Is a Trumpet a French Curve 07 31 2021

Meaning, does the profile of the horn of a trumpet follow the line of a French Curve?

Do all wind instruments follow the line of a French Curve, do some?  If so which?

Do animal horns follow the profile line of a French Curve?

What are the differential sound dynamics of a horn that follows the line of a French Curve versus one that doesn't?

Does a French Horn, the profile of the horn, follow the line of a French Curve?

All these questions.  I will have to do some research and answer them.

But for right now they are food for thought!

Are there any horns that were specifically designed to follow the line of a French Curve?


Doing a little research.  Per my memory a French Curve was a specific curve.  Not just a hand drawn template made to be reproduced in the design form of goods.

does a trumpet follow the line of a french Curve - Bing

a french Curve - Bing

And indeed perhaps I am talking about another more specific type of curve?

list of defined curves - Bing

So indeed the analysis above starts over with the list of defined curves as reference.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

1 comment:

  1. Wow a lot of neat stuff! This is one. Link:.
