The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Does Ethanol Even Explode? 06 20 2018

Does Ethanol Even Explode?  06 20 2018

So I was at the pump of a Mobil station the other day and it said up to 10% ethanol added to the gasoline.

Then I asked myself that question, does ethanol even explode?  See your internal combustion engine is based on a gas exploding inside of it.  That is how the horse power is created.

That is the definition of Ethanol.  Now I did a quick scan for the term explode of that webpage and didn't find it there.

Also I have a jar of ethyl rubbing alcohol I got at Walgreens, Walgreens brand.  It came labeled in  a semi clear thin walled plastic bottle.  I just looked and found it because I wanted to soak some bearings from fishing reels in it before dry lubing them.  And that is when I thought about the previous question again.  The thin walled bottle states "Warning Flammable, keep away from heat, spark, electrical, fire or flame."

When something is explosive doesn't it have to say so on the label?

If it were explosive shouldn't that walgreen's ethyl be in a red can like gasoline is made to be in?

So what is the point of all of this?

If it isn't explosive what is it doing in our Gasoline?

Doesn't it really mean that it is making our Gasoline engines less efficient?  I would also assert it is more likely to caramelize valves and spark plugs.  As well as disintegrate rubber fuel line hoses and components, causing them to swell and deteriorate, possibly leading to engine failure.  Then of course they want to sell you a whole new car.

You would not want to be caught in capsize size waves with that in your marine fuel tank.  I will assert that.

And indeed perhaps I need to read up on the term flash point.  Source of below.  Thank you wikipedia.


The flash point is a descriptive characteristic that is used to distinguish between flammable fuels, such as petrol (gasoline in the US), and combustible fuels, such as diesel.
It is also used to characterize the fire hazards of fuels. Fuels which have a flash point less than 37.8 °C (100.0 °F) are called flammable — whereas fuels having a flash point above that temperature are called combustible.[2]"

So the next question is what is the flash point of gasoline versus the flashpoint of ethyl alcohol.

But once I were to find that I would also then defer to a different dynamic.  What is the outward explosive power of gasoline versus ethyl alcohol?

Right now I am going to finish eating my lunch, yesterdays potato soup with blue asparagus added to it today.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy 

It is a gift to the children of the corn cob.


Okay I am back before I eat my second bowl.

So I have talked to people who live in the boonies of Southern Wisconsin, likely where Scott Walker bought up all the land to make Foxconn Campus(?).  And they told me that they like to take a 5 gallon gasoline tank out in the field and shoot it with a gun from a distance to make it explode.  So if you took five gallons of ethyl alcohol you bought at Walgreens and shot it with a gun from a distance what would happen?  Besides the risk you could be charged with arson, which is a pretty steep charge.

Would it explode? 


Now lets say some jackass punk put it in his vape pipe?  Lets say some jackass punk put it in his gasoline lattern?  What would happen in both cases?


Found it.  The flashpoint of Gasoline is 45 Degree's Fahrenheit.  Source: 

What is the flashpoint of Ethyl Alcohol.  It appears to be 100 degrees Fahrenheight at 190 proof.


A whole lot worse per my pencil.  A Doctorate in Chemistry would argue against every belief I have though.


So indeed there is still the question of explosive power to answer but another question has just arisen.  Are the specific unspent hydrocarbons from Ethanol more dangerous than gasoline?  More likely to cause eye disorders, lung disorders, liver disorders, sleep apnea?  I would assert it is likely true without researching it.

So what is the scientific term used to measure the outward explosive power force of various gases?

© 2018 Thomas Paul Murphy;_ylt=A0geKV7bmSpblwUAhZkPxQt.;_ylc=X1MDMjExNDcwMDU1OQRfcgMyBGZyA3locy1pcnktZnVsbHlob3N0ZWRfMDAzBGdwcmlkA1BZUFBXeHZwUTEua1VudnM5Ukl1dEEEbl9yc2x0AzAEbl9zdWdnAzEEb3JpZ2luA3NlYXJjaC55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzAEcHFzdHIDBHBxc3RybAMwBHFzdHJsAzU1BHF1ZXJ5A3RoZSUyMGV4cGxvc2l2ZSUyMHBvd2VyJTIwb2YlMjBnYXMlMjBpcyUyMG1lYXN1cmVkJTIwaW4EdF9zdG1wAzE1Mjk1MTg1Nzg-?p=the+explosive+power+of+gas+is+measured+in&fr2=sb-top&hspart=iry&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003&param1=1&param2=cd%3D2XzuyEtN2Y1L1Qzu0CzztD0A0Azyzz0FzyyDtBzzyD0A0ByEtN0D0Tzu0StCtDtAyEtN1L2XzutAtFyDtFtCtFtCtN1L1Czu1N1C2X1V1Q2W1G1I1Q1L2Y1B1VtCyE1VtCzztN1L1G1B1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2SyCyC0AyEyByEtAyEtGtAyDzy0BtG0CyC0A0EtGyDtDtBzztGtDyBtD0E0D0A0E0ByEtDyB0E2QtN1M1F1B2Z1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2S0CzyyCzz0C0ByEtDtGtCtDzy0AtGyEzytB0EtG0AtAzyyEtGzytDyC0C0FtByEzzyEtDyB0E2Q%26cr%3D187065972%26a%3Dgrv_dwnldius4_14_40%26f%3D4%26cat%3Dweb%26sid%3D620edc6469f5eb32e2563e42a6a82faa%26sesid%3D28e2402796a0e6796f123be9cbf158d8%26ip%3D65.29.232.214%26b%3DFirefox%26bv%3D60.0%26os%3DWindows%2B10%26os_ver%3D10.0%26pa%3Dgroovorio&type=grv_dwnldius4_14_40

Maybe more on this later.

I would say that bottle from walgreens is in a plastic bottle with a wall thickness of perhaps one tenth of perhaps a half a millimeter at the most.  Now that I can indeed measure. 

And more importantly if it gets in the groundwater can it contribute to blindness?  You know I am not going to allow you to lecture me on which alcohols cause blindness, all I need to do to state my argument is that any alcohol can cause blindness to those human fetuses you righteously declare are people persons already. 

And here is another interesting question, can the simple act of overproducing corn cause contamination of the groundwater underneath the fields.  They do indeed state that a lot of rural water is poisoned with atrazine. 

What is the chemical structure of atrazine versus ethanol?;_ylt=A0geKV7bmSpblwUAhZkPxQt.;_ylc=X1MDMjExNDcwMDU1OQRfcgMyBGZyA3locy1pcnktZnVsbHlob3N0ZWRfMDAzBGdwcmlkA1BZUFBXeHZwUTEua1VudnM5Ukl1dEEEbl9yc2x0AzAEbl9zdWdnAzEEb3JpZ2luA3NlYXJjaC55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzAEcHFzdHIDBHBxc3RybAMwBHFzdHJsAzU1BHF1ZXJ5A3RoZSUyMGV4cGxvc2l2ZSUyMHBvd2VyJTIwb2YlMjBnYXMlMjBpcyUyMG1lYXN1cmVkJTIwaW4EdF9zdG1wAzE1Mjk1MTg1Nzg-?p=the+explosive+power+of+gas+is+measured+in&fr2=sb-top&hspart=iry&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003&param1=1&param2=cd%3D2XzuyEtN2Y1L1Qzu0CzztD0A0Azyzz0FzyyDtBzzyD0A0ByEtN0D0Tzu0StCtDtAyEtN1L2XzutAtFyDtFtCtFtCtN1L1Czu1N1C2X1V1Q2W1G1I1Q1L2Y1B1VtCyE1VtCzztN1L1G1B1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2SyCyC0AyEyByEtAyEtGtAyDzy0BtG0CyC0A0EtGyDtDtBzztGtDyBtD0E0D0A0E0ByEtDyB0E2QtN1M1F1B2Z1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2S0CzyyCzz0C0ByEtDtGtCtDzy0AtGyEzytB0EtG0AtAzyyEtGzytDyC0C0FtByEzzyEtDyB0E2Q%26cr%3D187065972%26a%3Dgrv_dwnldius4_14_40%26f%3D4%26cat%3Dweb%26sid%3D620edc6469f5eb32e2563e42a6a82faa%26sesid%3D28e2402796a0e6796f123be9cbf158d8%26ip%3D65.29.232.214%26b%3DFirefox%26bv%3D60.0%26os%3DWindows%2B10%26os_ver%3D10.0%26pa%3Dgroovorio&type=grv_dwnldius4_14_40

The atrazine has chlorine.

Not real similar.

What is the atrazine made from?

Another Chemistry question arises.  Could it be true that some chemicals that are banned for use in foreign countries and indeed produced in foreign countries or by corporations hq in those foreign countries and sold into the United States?  With profits going out of this country and the liability for the reasons it was banned increasing in the U.S?

So much for your G.D. foreign trade.  So much for your concept of Worldwide Corporate Equality.  

Do you know that there is a certain type of person that really really hates me? 

That above concept is called a globalist agenda isn't it.

Now lets say that you had globalists infiltrate our University and Government systems in the United States, whereby they had the power to not ban substances here and somehow profit from a foreign entity for those substances being allowed to be sold here? I will assert that is true, even though you (Globalists?) might like to diagnose me with something nasty for saying so?  Wait a minute you vermin already did that.


Off topic.  So you want to use a fuel with a higher temperature flashpoint.  One that is indeed far above the regular air temperature.  Would it make sense to heat that fuel to near its flashpoint before exploding it? If you heated it would it expand and increase in volume before explosion?  Meaning more efficiency?

Does Alcohol expand when heated?
The answer is yes!

If you expanded it before you combusted it you would use less wouldn't you.  Your wealthy farmer would give you the evil eye for that one.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy 

The answer above is that they use alcohol in thermometers because it expands when heated.  Apparently they are not afraid of it expanding so greatly in a thermometer that it reaches it flashpoint under compression and explodes, are they. 

A little more illiteration.

"The Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Farmers child got so mad when a thermometer was placed in his mouth that his head exploded."

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