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"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, June 22, 2018

Interesting Research Would Be 06 22 2018

Interesting Research Would Be 06 22 2018

Which United States Presidents didn't drink and what else they specifically believed in.

There was indeed a movement to make the White House Alcohol Free!

Also what would be interesting to know is if FDR's Family money had an Investment Interest in any way in the Michelin Rubber Company.

A lot of history there that is relevant that hasn't been focused on in terms of cause and effect, and relates to the Vietnam War.

Also FDR's family money is stated to have come from the opiate trade with the orient.  Is that how heroin got into Vietnam?  Was it also given to workers who resisted being flogged and tortured at Rubber Tree Plantations over there.


What role does heroin usage have in Post Traumatic Disorder?  So heroin was available to soldiers in Vietnam.  So you have an individual cycling up and down on a euphoric narcotic at the same time they are being exposed to the hell of war.  When they are coming down off that drug the next day and there are shells falling all around them and blood splattering, that has to contribute to PTSD.  So indeed a study should be done on those who were in War and had PTSD and what percent of them were exposed to an addictive narcotic.

I could also make a point about the cause of mental illness as it relates to Veterans.  But you wouldn't  believe it.  Even though I have written extensively about it on the internet.


So what was stirring over there in Vietnam?  Vietnamese workers at a rubber plant were being beaten by French Capitalist Colonists.  Many decades before they built up power and political power to start the War?

So let me ask you this.  The United States which fought a bloody war to end control by British of Colonies in America ends up supporting French Colonial Abuse of citizens in Vietnam?  I am not a liberal or meat head.  I just know that is wrong.

Now Russia indeed was helping North Vietnam.  And there were Cubans in the torture (prisons) in Vietnam torturing U.S. soldiers.   Oswald even defected to Russia and worked at the aerospace Co. St. Gobain (?) for a while before returning to the states to kill Kennedy.  And was that part of the aerospace industry that informed the North Vietnam about the bottom air routes U.S. planes were coming in on?

Like I said I am not a liberal.  But we don't support that which we Declared our Freedom and Independence from when they abuse people in other countries.  To me that is an act of Treason.

So you have U.S. Presidents that drank life fish.  What are the odds they really couldn't put everything together in terms consistent to the intent of the United States Constitution as it applies to Foreign Policy?  100%  Clueless!

I wouldn't doubt that Russia would come forward as to their involvement in the Kennedy Assassination.  That would indeed put egg all over the face of those who have infiltrated our Government and kept it all a secret from us.

"Yeah we did it, and for the following reasons."  Russia might say?  Why didn't they ever say?  It would have led to Nuclear War?  And there intent would be better served by infiltrating the U.S. Gov with Communist Principles?  I am not a communist and nor am I a person who believes that human beings should be tortured in order to make them work harder for Capitalist interests in foreign countries.  To me that two faced nature means you are not an American and don't belong here?  Meaning, you are doing the exact opposite of what our Constitution states in businesses that you own outside of the U.S.  I might say that is consistent with a Globalist agenda.

So who didn't drink much if any in the office of President?  Just to give you a headstart on research?

Abraham Lincoln
Rutherford B. Hayes

Benjamin Harrison 

George Bush 2nd Bush President quit b4, likely screwed up enough already from it though.

And here is a treason President.  Warren G. Harding.  President during Prohibition that drank in office!  Should have been tried for treason and faced the most severe punishment for it.

Lincoln, Hayes and to a lesser extent or not Harrison?

We know about Lincoln.  So what about Hayes?  And that would be an interesting topic for research.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy 


Also Wikipedia articles on Vietnam etc. 

A veteran once told me that if a Commanding Officer didn't like you in Vietnam he would send that person on a mission where they wouldn't come back.  Whatever it is that worked its way into military academies in our country to become by default military officers and play God with American lives...that construct needs to end.

So who got the United States in Vietnam?  The British and French that colonist Vietnam and beat the Vietnamese at Corporations and economically enslaved them?  Don't we have to make sure we never support that again?

The Corporation is a legal concept that forms the basis of Governments that are less than our Constitution.  Did our Founding Fathers see it coming?  What did they have to say about the earliest forms of it?  So indeed that is another way to prove the exact intent of our Constitution as it relates to limited liability?  Do you actually believe there is even one justice on our Supreme Court that can comprehend that much less do the research?  Wino drunks with an agenda of deceit is how I see it.   I mean why don't you pass out from drinking to much while you are at an important meeting instead of being the professional you are supposed to be.  Why don't you be in an alcoholic nuerotic stupor in every single thing you do and snap at everyone around you.

Off topic?  Did you ever think that when someone has petty complaint after petty complaint about you that they really just don't want you around anywhere?  It adds up doesn't it.  Did you really do anything bad?  So no.  You accurately judge yourself as good.  Then what conclusion to you come to?  They are jealous because they view you as better.  And what does that mean?  Hateful people do not believe in equality because they view themselves as less.  A Government should never foster the propagation of that through economic means and incentives.  In other words people like that should be denied access to mind altering addictive substances, be forced to confront their personal faults... and join the human race to their true level of ability and appropriate influence.  It is one of those things that they would likely end up thanking you for?

And then what happens?  They can't handle the guilt for their prior actions...and oh it is your fault.  (What then happened.) They always have a way of blaming someone else don't they.  No its not my fault.  You were never taught respect!


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