The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, June 30, 2018

France helped us in the Revolutionary War!!!!! 06 30 2018

In that article Benjamin Franklin favored Colonist having bows and arrows over muskets?  It is known today that a hit practically anywhere on the body with that musket ball was likely to be fatal.

I have often questioned as to whether Benjamin Franklin was really a traitor to the Colonists?

In that article was it indeed Franklins spears that Washington declared useless?

But the question is.  Were heads of the British placed on pikes during the Revolutionary War because of Taxation without Representation and the reasons listed in the Declaration of Independence?

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

Interesting stuff here:

In the French Revolution the people fought against the monarchs in their own country.  They took the monarchs heads off with the Guillotine and placed them on pikes!

Without being too direct, is there an equivalency of a monarch class in the United States today?

Were the monarchs in the French Revolution British?  (source for below)

Yes, because the French Monarchs were secretly subsidized by the British Monarchy. 


Thank you France for helping the United States win our Revolutionary War!  Now why has your country lied about antipsychotic drugs and the nature of the labeled illness they were designed for profit to treat?

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