The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A Foreign Country Toxically POLLUTES their Rivers Until they are Viral Pee Green 03 19 2019

A Foreign Country Toxically POLLUTES their Rivers Until they are Viral Pee Green 03 19 2019

And Wisconsinites are supposed to be overjoyed that a former Republican Governor of Wisconsin who had the delusion he was Michael J. Fox uses the legal principle of Eminent Domain and takes our land and sells it to the Chinese.

The LEGISLATION that needs to be created is pure and simple.  No Foreign Country that has less Environment Standards than the United States should be able to own any LAND IN THE UNITED STATES FOR ANY PURPOSE.

Why not?  Here is what happens.

1.  They make money by using the land for business purposes.  And lots of money.
2.  They either pollute while they are making the money or they end up wielding Political Power in order to reduce the Environmental Standards in the United States to the Equivalent of what they are in their own foreign country.

3.  And our Country ends up becoming just like their because we have a weak minded leader for President of the United States today!  Rivers polluted until they are Viral Pee Green!

It is exactly how a spoiled brat gets its way over time through attrition.

What about legalized pot?  Can I tell you something about the POT SMOKER?  The POT SMOKER has absolutely no interest in WORKING!

So can you create LEGISLATION like that?  It might violate the Constitution because it is an Ex Post Facto Law.  But should Provisions of the U.S. Constitution that are meant to Protect Citizens of the United States be allowed to be used by Foreign Countries to manipulate us?  I actually believe our Supreme Court Members/Staffers could chew on pencils for months on the issue and then come up with the wrong answer!

And it isn't a "race card" to say that we don't want to be like that, a weak minded people who would toxically contaminate their environment.

Somebody has been asleep at the wheel in the United States!  And the Voting Population is oblivious to it!

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

So lets say that you had a Foreign Country Pollute their Environment to the point whereby they could no longer live their because it wouldn't support life.  Should that "people" be allowed to migrate to your country?  I say no.  Why?  Because your country would most likely end up just like theirs for their influence and it can't be allowed to happen.

What about Organized Crime?  Let's say that there is a Country that Organized Crime is rampant in or whereby it was originally established there.  Should members fleeing the ruins of their VERY OWN DEMISE  be allowed to come to your country and ever...ever so slowly create that exact same DEMISE FOR YOUR COUNTRY?  I say NO!  And it isn't racism.  But lets argue that it is racism?  Then isn't it valid racism?  And that is the concept that is TABOO and could get me in trouble.  But I have to ask the questions.  I am not the weak minded imbecile who lives by the theory, "I don't ask questions."  Is that how you want your child to be?  Is that something you condone?  "Don't ask questions and you get ahead in the United States."  Yeah you make me sick!

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