The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, March 25, 2019

UPDATED: Donations to Colleges for Admittance 03 25 2019

Donations to Colleges for Admittance 03 25 2019

So if a young adult has their parents make a donation to a charity related to a University in order for them to get in that University doesn't that really mean that:

1. They are guaranteed graduation and a degree from that University?
2. They could not get in that University based on their own academic merit.
3.  The issue is widespread.
4.  So if they don't belong there and they do not doesn't it also mean that there is false grading all their way through college?  Of course it does!
5.  So indeed if they are falsely graded what are the odds that they student who goes to that University on their own merit will also be falsely graded but instead of positively falsely graded; negatively falsely graded?  In order to balance it out?  Of course it does.

Not too hard to figure out if you have a mind of your own!

© 2019 Thomas Paul Murphy

And what about foreigners that come from Middle East Oil money being Educated in the United States?  You can't tell me that some of that isn't what amounts to a "paid degree" rather than earned.  How about Russian Empire Gold Tooth Loot money that found its way here and paid for college degrees?

But more importantly look at what an Important matter of National Security this really is! When the Saudi members of the Saudi "Royal" Oil family were Educated in Britain do you think that money had a lot to do to it?  And those are the people who bombed New York!  How much money did the Saudi Royal Oil Family pay to grease out those degrees?

Now let that resonate in our mind for awhile and before you allow that thought to fade in your alcohol induced memory and conscience loss, ask yourself about the United States Banking system and the validity of those who are working in the money business.  How many of them had paid for degrees?  Doesn't our National Debt of $22 Trillion dollars reek of that illegitimacy???  Of course it does!

Now the Fairy Ville Women can't understand why I would write this?  Let me explain it, "Because I love this country!"

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