The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, March 4, 2019

A Homelessness Act 03 04 2019

A Homelessness Act 03 04 2019

So we have Social Security.  Was it designed to address the issue of Homelessness?  Wouldn't you think that Social Security or some part of it would have guarantied that there would not be the Homeless.  I believe we need a separate Act to end Homelessness.

And what about libel suits?  If you have that Anti-homeless Act then your Freedom of speech could be even stronger?  Why?  Because you can say whatever you want that is true and not be sued for it because those who you are "saying about" ...the worst that can happen to them as a result of it is that they will not become homeless because of any Financial Loss deemed incurred.  But because of Social Security wouldn't yo believe that it would work that way already?  It should work that way already.  Why doesn't it?  Because there is a profit cycle involved in it.

Who should really be homeless?  That kid born with paralyzed limbs?  That family of the person born with mental retardation?

Should the person being tormented by voices ever become homeless?  No.  I view it as the above that are making them homeless.    Because they should really be the ones becoming homeless it means they are the ones who are preventing anti homeless acts from being legislated?  So indeed this would address that issue.  That those who should really be the homeless ones in our country are guaranteed not to become them?  Do you see how I am trying to help you?  Do you see how you are fighting me every step of the way to prevent it?  What ends up being the fate of someone like that?  Someone that prevents good things from happening for a country?  What should the fate of people like that be?  Do they not create their own negative fate?  Impose a delusion of self upon the rest of us until it comes back to haunt them?  Of course it always will.  Why?  Because once they achieve it doesn't feel like what they see those who achieved feel achievement to truly be.  Hence they take the drugs and alcohol and right there,  the downward spiral has started.

We won't get it from Republicans because they don't even want to pay a living wage.
And there is also the issue of an alcoholic spending mortgage money on alcohol.   How many homeless are alcoholics?  And then the Roman term Qui Bono, "Who Benefits?"

© 2019 Thomas Murphy


Off topic.  Judas Iscariot.  Per the Hebrew translation on Wikipedia it means God is Praised.  But is that really what it means?  Does Praised really mean raised?  Or better yet doesn't "es" mean with, and "cariot" mean "chariot."

When you praise someone you lift them up high on one of those platforms and carry them around?  Cariot also might have something to do with the word "meat"  as it they killed an oxen or something like that and carried it home that way?

In all of my Bible teachings as a youth I got the impression that Jesus Christ walked every single place that he ever went.  I will have to research it.

But lets say that I am correct that Cariot means Chariot.  Wasn't it the Romans that had Chariots and used them for War?  Did the Jews have Chariots?

What am I getting at?  Was Judas really Roman?  Why do I ask?  Because of the surname I interpret to mean "With Chariot?"

So you see them all carrying someone up high like that on what is constructed the same as a stretcher and you ask yourself, why didn't they have wheels?  What is it called?  A walking throne?  By the way I learned the other day that a stool a drummer sits on is called a throne.


A real critical question here, "How do you stop a drunk from becoming homeless?"  And I am not one that believes in the hindsight philosophy of "The person that should have one is the one who one." Or,  "Or the person that should be homeless is the one that is homeless."

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