The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, August 31, 2019

I would like to see a Television Program where 08 31 2019

I would like to see a Television Program where 08 31 2019

Everyone on the program, the staff, those who wrote it, the commercials it sells...none of those people are users of Alcohol, Tobacco or drugs.

Then I would like to see a whole television network that way.

Then eventually I would like to see all the television programs be that way.

Why?  Did you ever notice how a drinker is still affected by the drink a day later?  What are the symptoms?  Arrogance?  Lack of empathy?  A me, me, me person?  I deserve the large salary I am making?  It doesn't matter if I am brash or heartless, this show must go on?  I don't care what the people think or have to say their minds are fed by me?

I mean, enough of that.  But that is only me.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

And I don't really want it to be a subjective Bible lecture or degrade to be that.  Perhaps one that takes a moral issue?

How many moral issues can we think of?  It becomes endless doesn't it?  And none of them are represented by the television!  The glossy screen.

So lets say you had a series type show.  Every episode might address perhaps one or more moral issues?

And perhaps more instructional shows.  Didn't you like the painting shows and the workshop shows?

How about music lesson shows?  We see a lot of non talent.  The scales would seem to crave music lesson shows?

I also like those shows where they tour businesses and show how the business makes things.

Are there businesses that you couldn't create a show for because they are so crooked?  The employees are abused?  I would not want to see a false rendering of that.

You buy a product made in China?  Have they beaten someone at that factory who wasn't working hard enough for them?  I saw a satellite photo today that could show me details on the ground.  Would you buy an imported product from a corporation that beats its sewing shop worker in a quiet room?

So yesterday or the day before I wrote something like, "If you don't compete fairly any win you have is meaningless?"  Let's say you read that and didn't understand what I meant?  After reading this you might have a little more insight into what that means?

And I don't really like shows where the ineffectual all get together and try and harmonize what wits they have for a common goal?  The comparison of them to that which was judging them elevated that person to the Presidency?

In summary, the alcohol user thinks glibly?

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

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