The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Temptation of Christ 08 25 2019 Sunday Writing

The Temptation of Christ 08 25 2019

What does it mean?  It means the Roman's wanted him to be something he wasn't.

What wasn't he?  He wasn't he?  He wasn't a sinner!

So why did they want him to be something he wasn't? The usual reason; right?  Envy!  So that you can label someone as being lesser than you or the general population.  So that you can be empowered over them because you were able to define them!  Isn't that the most rotten human nature that there is?  Rotten!  Completely rotten!

So that after you have labeled and defined someone you can then justify persecution of them!

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Now before you go off on me, who does he think he is writing Biblical type things.  I will tell you that I received a phone call by the Church to be a Priest.  Not many can say that.  Not many were viewed as righteous and good at a young age.

For the record, I was not willing to take the vow of celibacy.  I had strong guy hormones at a young age and viewed the vow of celibacy as abnormal.

Sarcasm?  So why do some religions allow women to be Priests?  It is like so the spoiled girl who took the candy that made her turn purple and bloated and rolled out of the chocolate factory doesn't feel alienated by her gender.  In a word?  A projection of self "pity."

Are there females who go through their entire lives mad as h3ll because, they look down on themselves and see, she ain't got nothing there?  I think so.  One of those type of people that has a chip on their shoulder with a lot to prove that can never be proven; but the female variety?

So indeed most males never think of women that way or that they could be that way.  So indeed it is good to say a prayer for such a type of woman like that every now and again.

And if your human mind is tempted and tormented by voices perhaps you could ask them in silent mantra, "Say a prayer for me?"

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