The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, December 11, 2020

Is it right for a United States Police Officer to shoot dead someone who is Drunk or has an Alcohol Related Mental Illness? 12 11 2020

 Is it right for a United States Police Officer to shoot dead someone who is Drunk or has an Alcohol Related Mental Illness? 12 11 2020

 1.  It is an addictive substance.

2. It is a psychologically active substance.

3. It has been declared legal.

So perhaps it hinges on 3.  If it is legal how can you kill someone that is under its psychoactive influence?

What do you tell the dead family?  "Your family member didn't experiment enough with the substance to know their own limitations with it?"  Not really a fair statement is it.  Because of 4?

4. It causes decreased intelligence.

© 2020 Thomas Murphy 

And these are the questions a jackhole Republican can't truthfully answer..

5. It has increased tolerance.  Which means what?  "We justify shooting such individuals because they had more than they should have?"  "We can shoot you because you had more of a psychologically active substance, that is addictive, decreases intelligence, and has increased tolerance than you should have?

Now isn't it true that by the time a person realizes the increased tolerance factor they are already screwed up from it?

Because it causes decreased intelligence that also means that it supports the formation and solidification of neural pathways that are not healthy to the individual?

And this doesn't take into account the bodies physiological addiction to it?  Does it work this way?  Take poison every day and when you try and stop you feel like you are poisoned because of how your body had to compensate for the poison?  A loosing battle either way.

"Neral pathways" ... it is fun for the fortunate in life to label people suffering from that issue as mentally ill?  Such a labeling person like that doesn't do well in life either do they?  Their kids don't make it because their parents where not what they were supposed to be.


So perhaps here is the crux of the issue.  If defacto it is only legal when used in moderation then only "moderation amounts" should be allowed to be legally sold. 

There is the rule of law and then there is the rule of law created by man.  Scratch your head if you can't figure it out.

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