The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, December 7, 2020

Very Interesting Downs Syndrome Research 12 07 2020

 So I did a search on this:  (Words used to describe a Downs Syndrome voice)

From Google Search Results:

What is the medical term for Down syndrome?
A medical term for having an extra copy of a chromosome is 'trisomy. ' Down syndrome is also referred to as Trisomy 21. This extra copy changes how the baby's body and brain develop, which can cause both mental and physical challenges for the baby.Dec 5, 2019

Facts about Down Syndrome | CDC


How does Down syndrome affect speech?
Children with Down syndrome frequently have difficulty with grammar, tenses and word endings and use shorter sentences to communicate. Most children with Down syndrome are able to understand much more than they can express. As a result, their test scores for receptive language are higher than for expressive language.

Speech & Language Therapy - NDSS


So it looks like it can be caused by the drunken father impregnating a woman!!!!!

What causes Down syndrome?
About 95 percent of the time, Down syndrome is caused by trisomy 21 — the person has three copies of chromosome 21, instead of the usual two copies, in all cells. This is caused by abnormal cell division during the development of the sperm cell or the egg cell. Mosaic Down syndrome.Mar 8, 2018

Down syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

So what inspired me to research this?   One night in November of this year before I went to bed I took a teaspoon of cough syrup.  Do you know how sometimes you get cold spots on the ribs?  Well I found that a little cough medicine over night often helps loosen that up by morning.  But I won't be using any of that product again and I am about to tell you why.

So at 2am I woke up and my throat was really dry.  I tried to clear it.  Now when you have sinus congestion you can either blow it out your nose or create a suction and drain it backwards.  When I tried to drain it backwards it was like the flesh tension in my uvula wasn't there anymore.  Do you know how if your leg falls asleep and if you get up to walk on it then you can hurt it?  Kind of like that.

What I thought was a big ball of snot stuck in the back of my throat was really my inflamed uvula.

So my uvula was inflamed and hanging low in my throat.  I was having trouble talking and breathing.  I looked it up on the internet on my phone and headed off to the emergency room in my car.

When I got there I explained what had happened.  But as I listened to myself talking I realized it was no longer my voice!  I tried to think what do I sound like.  I either sounded like a homosexual or are person with Down's Syndrome!

In that voice I said to the admitting people, "Dis ish now how I taalk."  or "I don't taalk wike dis."

And I could have cried right there for sounding like that!

But I will wrap up the story.  They gave me medicine IV's some sort of breathing mist machine.  And a 5 day prescription for steroids.  They too thought it was uvulitis caused by chemicals and said it usually goes away in 12 hours. 

And here I am thinking, how is the muscle tension in my uvula going to return.

Well I did get better in a few days.  And their was some trauma from the experience.  It is a life threatening condition requiring an emergency room visit.

But what I also learned from it is that there is a similarity in the voice of a Down's Syndrome person and a Homosexual.

Yeah I know what you are thinking.  What an awful person I am to write about "people" to write about "people" like that!  Listen Sally you don't hear odd mysterious voices like that taunting every thought from your human soul.

© 2020 Thomas Murphy





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