The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Anyone that asks questions 01 30 2021

 Anyone that asks questions 01 30 2021

 Why is anybody that questions of anything labeled a Conspiracy Theorist today?

Which can be reduced to, "Why is anyone that asks questions labeled a Conspiracy Theorist?" 

So what is the logical answer?

The persons being asked the questions can't responsibly answer them?

And if someone is being asked a question the presumption is that person is supposed to be an authority?

And what does this boil down to?  The FATHER!

These are people who were not raised by a father and couldn't therefore become a legitimate father?

You asked your father a question and he was happy to answer it!  He didn't beat around the bush and label you something for asking a question!

And hence you go through life asking questions and you realize something about the people you ask questions of?

Now what of this?  Those that can't answer questions developing groups that propose questions that can neither be readily proven or dis-proven?  The motivation of this being so that they can have the precedent in place to outlaw the validity of questions?  Because they can't answer them?  Or more appropriately because the answer to the question or question they do not want to answer CONVICTS THEM!

So one way to look at this is that people who don't want to answer questions can be considered to be convicting themselves by not being able to answer?  Or to have deep guilt or shame?  Or to be of illegitimacy?

Many of you are far too young to know of the character WC Fields played of the Charlatan.   Someone selling illegitimate products or services that readily dismissed people with insult for asking intelligent and responsible questions about those products or services.  In effect questioning whether this person is question is really, in effect, stealing!!!

And indeed they use the defense of "Buyer should be aware?" when in effect they do not want the buyer or person they are attempting to establish a belief in to be aware.

What are they?  People who are incompatible with our country attempting to make those who are compatible with our country seem like they are the ones who are not?  Rotten to the core!

And you can tell who someone that can't answer a question is already?  How? Because they say things that 1. Superficially have no premise in reality.  2.  Can not provide explanation for their words or actions.  Which means what?  They live a faerie mind type of existence?  Oh boy, and don't you dare interrupt that blissful inebriate ignorance!

© 2021 Thomas Murphy 

Okay so I haven't convinced you because your head is rock bone solid like a bull?  But do you understand the concept of putting your life in the hands of someone like that?  Okay so you don't care.  Blah blah blah?  What about your wife and children?  Blah blah blah you don't care about that either because the idea is remote to a mind that connect constructive dots.  More pain and anguish to you to attempt to figure something out and fail frustration from having to think for yourself like a man rather than just doing what you are told?  Okay we can deal with that.  There is a way to handle that isn't there.


And therefore, who is it that doesn't want you to be able to ask questions?  

It is someone that doesn't want you to be able to defend your rights.

And who is it that wants men to grow up to be timid and effeminate like that?

It is something that I don't like and it has a name already.

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