The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, January 16, 2021

How many stormed the Capitol 01 16 2021

 I got a bad feeling about this.

Had to be organized by cell network?

I don't like the idea of Trump still controlling any military on inauguration day.

High ranking officials, Guliani, advocating "combat?"

But they didn't bring weapons to the degree they could have?

A lot of them military trained.

Almost think Biden should be sworn in at a secret location???

And what I fear they will escalate the next last minute step to in deseparation?  It's one of those words you are not even supposed to say?  E. devices strategically placed???

How many were there?  Was that all of them?

Who pumped them up?  Who misguided them?  Who brainwashed them?

Trump actually convinced them that more than half of America couldn't have dissaproved of him?

Surely there must be enough video footage out there to post a photo of every one of them?  Asking the public to identify them?  Why hasn't it been done?

Was anyone there innocent? Saw a woman helping a battery ram.

I think had Nancy done a better job of the first impeachment he could and should have been removed from office then!!!  Those articles of impeachment could have been a lot longer.

I think that cell network mob is dangerous and should have been rounded up and placed in a prison camp.  And I don't think it would be a horror.

Trump's Presidency was a test of our countries weakness.  And not for apparent good reason.

I don't believe Trump has the ability to sort the facts out.  To weigh premises for worth and balance.

Someone on television asked, "What does Russia have on him?  What does he owe them and why?"

Trump is not a self made man.  That's obvious.  So ask yourself who is identifying with him?

And what is the aftermath of all this?  It weakens your rights!

Why?  You got someone who falsely advocates he supports your rights and in the very next sentence condemning them.

And then you have a rag tag military type assault on our Government Capitol, by that very faction.

Some how I believe they will all get off Scott free.  However because of what they did a subjective president was set to take away your rights.  Can you see the wretched faces on television taking the opp to scold you?  To advocate you are bad?  To condemn you for being an American?  All because of Trump!!!  And others like him that should not have been propped up to be successful!

Where are the mature men and women to say Trump was a basket case from day 1?

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Do we know for certain they didn't leave something behind there? 

Did they know the layout b4 they entered?

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