The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, December 31, 2021

Legal Contortions 12 31 2021

 Legal Contortions 12 31 2021

Here is something you never hear of.  A prostitutes family suing her pimp in a wrongful death suit?

So when you think about something like that.  You have to say that there are holes in our legal system that need to be patched.

Then you ask yourself, what is preventing the holes in our legal system from being patched?

And the answer is readily apparent, illegitimacy.  Illegitimacy and the deceit that goes with it.

And do you know what the answer invariably is?  Do you know what solution the lame ducks come up with?  To patch something that doesn't need fixing.  In other words to shift the focus and blame.  Ever go to church on a Sunday and realize that is what is being propagandized to you?  I read the Popes messages on twitter and they are mostly of this same passive vein too.  Shift the focus and blame.

As if somehow the innocent people in the pews struggling to make ends meat are the problem.  No.  There are real criminals in this world Pope. 

Be righteous and complain and they come after you!  Not the way our Democracy is supposed to work.

And while I am being religious, I have to ask, "What would Jesus Christ say about working in order to make a bad person rich?"

"What would Jesus Christ say about man having to work to enrich alcoholics?"

"What would Jesus Christ say about men and women who only work so that they can be alcoholics?"

"What would Jesus Christ say about enriching someone that will never a be a good member of a community or a good employer?"

Do you see that the "Church" is completely negligent in its omission?

Completely negligent in understanding the will of Jesus Christ!

And the Pope looks at the papers and says what he sees "almost" looks satanic?  Almost?  Almost?

I got a clue for you.  It starts right there with the church giving a false alibi for the martyring of Jesus Christ.  He didn't die for our sins.  He was horrifically tortured to death.  Real men and women don't need people to die for their own sins.  They reframe from sinning.

That he died for our sins is an after the fact statement.  The Pharisees were arguing with each other about what the people would say they killed Jesus Christ.  And guess what, after the fact that is what they came up with.


You know states sue opiate companies and win, does the money go to the families like it should?  I doubt it.  Some kind of odd logic that that money goes to the gov.  The gov of the people, for the people?   -was not there for those people.

And you see people getting evicted from apartments that are condemned and you ask, where is the gov of the people for them?

So we have legacy laws that found their way into our Country.

Am I for all the people?  Am I for all the immigrants?  Am I for the person that spends every moment of their life staring at a cave wall believing they are really someone else?  No.  Why would I be?  And what would Jesus Christ have to say about someone who spent their entire life staring at a cave wall believing they are really someone else?  And the answer to that isn't to be subjected to FAS curdled brain logic.

How about this one.  A woman gets pregnant.  Her husband is a dead beat alcoholic.  A rotten father.  Should she be able to sue a unified alcohol company?

"A unified alcohol company" Think about that.  Industries from leagues and lobby for legal privileges in unification.  But they do not share liability in unification.  Rather than putting that baby up for adoption "The unified alcohol Company" should pay the costs for room board living expenses, education expenses.

Wouldn't be any Church wine for the Pope to raise above his head during mass while he is wearing the equivalent of a woman's dress.  Because they would be bankrupt.  As should anybody that tells you a scapegoat is what you need to take away all your problems in life.  One would think that would fall under the jurisdiction of the 13th Amendment that outlawed slavery or at least the 9th amendment.

There is big money in educating the mentally retarded isn't there.

And we have come full circle with regard to illegitimacy in this article.

Read all of the above parties and you know what I think about them?  No human being should ever have their mental wherewithal wasted on that.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

This is a diatribe.  It is pronounced Die-A-Tribe!

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