The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, December 10, 2021

U.S. Government Funding of the Cannibal King Religious Schools 12 10 2021

 U.S. Government Funding of the Cannibal King Religious Schools 12 10 2021

What is this about?  It is about the notion that the Government should fund religious schools in the United States.

It is a direct violation of the Constitution.  And it is in the Constitution for a very important reason.

It was the Kings Religion that our Country fought the bloody Revolutionary War against and gained our freedom from.  If you don't understand that then you don't understand the Fourth of July!

I should have to make more of an argument against it than that.

It is just that simple.  However when we get our Supreme Courts chocked full of the Momma Fell Off the Whore Wagon Religion...they want to make the issue seem like it is murky and somehow possible.

And what is classified as a religion today?  Last I read the Wicca and Vondoon religions were!

Ask yourself what patriot would ever want a Church of that across the street from their house not paying any property tax because of the classification?

What American man wants their son to believe he can wave a magic Potter Wand; spends his days casting spells and scheming?

And perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if you were a Catholic and it was a Catholic School right?  But do you really feel the same way about religions that you are not a member of?

For example what if it were a school that worshiped the act of Judas selling out Jesus Christ a Jew for being a good man?  Would you want your hard earned dollars funding that?  Knowing it will likely come right back and rabies bite you in the rear end as you try and keep a job, etc.

I think not.

Let's fund the Kings Religion of Military Schools so that we can foster more and more Donald Trumps?  Malcontents who want to tear down our flag and replace our Government on Jan 6th.  Isn't that terrible!  For all of Donald Trump worshipping of the American Flag didn't he really incite what amounted to the act of tearing it down on January 6th?

And they want to say that people who think like I do are mentally ill?  Their blue brained sickness runs far through the veins of our country today.

The Kings Religion is Divine Right.  It means that they don't have to tell you why they are making decisions because they don't really know and it would be embarrassing for them to attempt to explain themselves to real people.  Do you really want to fund that?

And I suppose there is a faction of the wealthy class where the father sits with the daughter at the supper table and those are the kinds of people they relate to and look up to?


But the main point here is that if that religious school didn't create enough successful adults in order to fund it than it should go belly up.  If that religion cannibalized minds of members of the community who could have funded it had they been free to be successful then it should not be funded by the United States Taxpayer.

And we do need TRUE religion in our Country!

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

And then you get into the issue of, what if that 1.Church School needs more and more money?

2.  And look, this Church School received 10 times the amount that Church School did?  How was that ever allowed to happen?  And this Church School didn't get any money and had to be torn down.  A Developer who was once a member of village government bought the property and made condos out of it, they are now even more wealthy.  And every child that went to Gov funded Snake Head Church School got sexually molested.

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