The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, March 31, 2023

Quote 03 31 2023

 "Somebody that shouldn't even be raising one; is raising ten."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Founding Fathers on Gun Control 3 29 2023

 They knew full well the validity of the presumption, "Anyone who tries to take it from you does not have good intentions for you."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Really Good Asparagus Soup Recipe 3 29 23


1 Larger Can Chicken Soup

3 cans water

2 cloves garlic chopped

1 bundle Asparagus cut to 1"

Half package Lo Mein Noodles cracked

Add all ingredients to pot.  Bring to boil.  Turn to low.  Cook until asparagus and noodles are soft.

Seasoned crackers added to personal taste

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Sick Kid Humor 03 27 2023

 "Momma say's I get to be the one to tell him what to do today."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Prediction 03 27 2023

 There will be morning talk shows with a pair of homosexuals as hosts.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Tomorrow is Monday 03 26 2023

 The stock market is open and the garbage goes out.

And statistically most people die at 9am on Mondays of a heart attack at that job they have.

Somehow work in the United States isn't what it is supposed to be.  There is no common goal bonding.  There is no mutual respect for one another.  It is driven by money.  And only the worst personalities among can survive in that environment.  Because they value that money more than they do people? 

Work should be like teamwork!  It shouldn't be filled with those who are just there to be limey and detract from your life.

I mean you get there and you ask yourself, "Where on God's green earth did someone like you come from?"  Or "Who falsely praised you?"  "Or your values have nothing in common with humanity?"  Or, "How long before someone like that is going to bankrupt this company?"

Seriously I think that ultimately those bad personalities bankrupted so many companies and siphoned so much money out of this country through high and undeserved salaries that they want to change the structure of this country to one of Master and Apprentice.

So that in addition to being a mouthy insult they can also get a little queer with you?

I could see some former President want to be President getting in office and then immediately siding with Russia over the Ukraine?  Then grafting Russian and Chinese work policies on the United States?  Anything to maintain a delusion of superiority?  It is like what a friend once told me about a bad person in the workplace, "You can never get rid of the brat!"

And Republicans don't really have family values.  Because that isn't how they live.  Children are material objects to them.  If a mother aborts one she had no right to do so because non working class Republicans don't consider her a mother they consider her a subject.  As a subject she has no right to abort a child.  That child is property of those who need to maintain a delusion of superiority.  And that delusion includes the principle of master and subject.  And sure I could say some religions really believe in Kings.  Kings over democracies!  Slaves for Kings and oh by the way let's see if that Constitution really fits our nation today?  And what the heck is a floating amendment McCarthy alluded to?  Was it floating or what term did he use?  It is a semantic to break the Constitution without using the terminology that you are doing so?  Kind of like Great Britain hiring Mercenaries or something like that to fulfill the role of Pirates?

The Irish built the infrastructure of this country.  We came here and they were racist against us.  Did we cry about it?  No. Did we ask for reparations? No.  No we proved them wrong! Did we sit around on whoopy cushions all day long and leach the souls from people?  No we worked because we liked to work.  I don't believe there are people like that here today.  They have all had their neighborhoods gone to junk and crime and were forced out.  The Irish American population has not grown like that of those who can't even learn reading, writing and arithmetic.  

Did the Irish get here and pretend that they were really all just one person?  No, they rolled up their sleeves and worked.  And they built something!  They built something they thought they were going to enjoy.

I do believe that non working Republican class really does hate this country.  Look at what they complain about.  Look at who they complain about.

They complain about teachers.  And if you ever read about the last Presidents life, he hated teachers.  Wanted to or did punch the music teacher in the nose?  And oh, McCarthy, what a joy to be a sycophant he is.  He provides all the answers for problems that don't really exist?  As if a parent can't look at their own child's homework?  So what curriculum do the Republicans really want?  One where you will never be able to figure out they are not earning their money?

Oh he wants the parents to be heard?  We already know what a drunken Republican on the sidelines of their child's soccer game sounding at the ref sounds like.  Do you really have to transition that garbage into the classroom?

Children can't learn proper English because their parents are lazy brained and speak with phrases such as "you all" and a host of other phrases that I like to forget that I ever heard.  I would really like to forget about Donald Trump.  What good does he do this country?  

And so is this their strategy?  The more that they complain about meaningless things the more they elevate how others who were born like them view them?  It isn't about ideology it is about how one thinks in limited terms and recognizes another that does too?  So it is a little below average isn't it!  It helps if you recognize that and are able to.  Lobbying for a vision from a lesser standard of life?

And for every word they get me to misspell they teach a retard how to spell it correctly.  To only teach someone how to learn out of seething envy!  To channel seething jealousy into a fixation.  To only be able to learn by making an example out of those who can learn.

And now I am making a Republican like phrase, "What good is it that someone like you learns anything?"  It is like, "What is the benefit of someone like you ostensibly learning anything." 

And perhaps the Republicans, think that is their right to be that way?  To share someone else's wealth?  So that the lowly among us are able to have a resemblance of life?  Kind of beautiful if you think about it.  But more ugly than beautiful.

A pure bile acid metal dissolving diatribe!

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Why are Republicans anti abortion? 03 26 2023

 I think what happens is that the women look at what marriage they have gotten into, and the children from that marriage and they say to themselves something like, "A child from my first love would have been better than this?"

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

No one forced 03 26 2023

 No one forced Putin to wage war on the Ukraine!  No one forced Putin to kill all of those people.  He made that choice for himself.  And no one forced China to stand along his side.

It is a good thing for Americans to remember.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

College Humor 3 26 2023

 There ought to be a college course titled; "How to talk like a Professional Wrestler."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Joe Biden, Fentanyl has me scared

 I think that an antidote to it should be made available to the public free just like COVID 19 tests were.

But wait, I coughed for two days straight and that test was negative.

If they are killing 10 of thousands a year with fentanyl then they are going to use that drug to criminally topple us?

Every good person should have that antidote in their backpack.   Naloxone (spelling?)

And I'm do believe there are people in our country that would sell us out.

You are going to have to get tougher than you want to get with regard to those who are killing with fentanyl.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Taco Dinner 3 25 2023


© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Friday, March 24, 2023

There I think I just flushed it out on a post on MSN

 What "he" represents is "Scatological Fascism."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Oh, Oh the Second Coming of Christ !!! 03 24 2023

 That is what I heard a politician from Alaska say.

But wait minute.  Why would we want the second coming of Christ?  So that we can all watch him get crucified again?

So that we can watch the whores that he refused to stone jeer at him as he carries his cross again?  A lot of irony there!

So we can hear him being convicted for some woman with caked on makeup and botox lips saying he gave her a terrible dream?  Think about that and damned if it doesn't crack you up.

I mean I am 56 years old and have no children.  Hear tormenting demon like voices 24-7 for 31 years.  Jesus was able to drive the demons from a person and the Bible says that he knew them.  Something doesn't add up right there!  I don't want the second coming of Christ.  Give me someone like Elijah!  Give me the second coming of Elijah!  Through the most wicked woman there was to be rendered to wild dogs!  If Elijah did that who else would he bring to justice?  Pimps!  Likely.  Deadly drug dealers?  Likely!  Those who sell chemicals that cause babies to be born deformed and brain damaged?  Likely.  You get the point.  Don't give me the second coming of Christ.  Give me the second coming of someone more like Elijah.  What would Elijah do to those Priests who sexually molested 216,000 children?  It wouldn't be good for them personally would it!

When the Jews wanted to execute them he stated that the people he was talking to were just like sheep to him.  What would he say about me in this modern day and age?  I wouldn't like being called a sheep!  I don't like having a fraudulent medical term and diagnosis applied to me either.

I don't want to hear Jesus Christ telling us to all turn the other cheek when Russian and Chinese tanks land on our home soil!

The point being, from what you read in the Bible why would you expect the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to be any different than the first?

He is said to have gone willingly to his death?  I don't care to see that happen again.  In fact, I don't want that taught in schools as "the way to be".

All of his disciples were slaughtered.  Did that stance end violence?  No.  United States history tells us that we had to fight to gain our Independence from tyranny.  I like that ideology better than being passive and turning the other cheek. 

I mean did you ever ask yourself what really happens if you turn the other cheek?  You end up getting enslaved don't you!

And sure he spoke up against the wealthy.  I suppose we are to believe he will look exactly like those long haired paintings of him when he comes again?  What is the point?  How would his speaking against the wealthy be any different than yours or mine today?

Did he have supernatural powers?  He couldn't wave his hand and destroy a phalanx of Roman troops that were about to commit genocide could he!  And was it Caliphus who said better him, one of us, than all of us?  Those Romans came back and turned the streets into rivers of blood.  I don't want to see that happen to what was once accurately called the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And I know that you want to use that Bible to threaten me!  As if I have caused someone to lose faith in God and therefore, I am damned?  Listen very carefully!  Don't you dare curse me like that!  Don't you dare use that Bible justification to curse any of us!  Don't try and write a negative prophecy of our human lives just exactly like you did Jesus Christ.  He knew what you were up to!  "For it has already been written by you, that when the crow squawks three times I will be dead..."  or something like that.  Don't use that Bible to curse the free!

Do not make us afraid when we think we should make mention of your name.  Do not apply that narrative of the Bible to us!  Do not stand before me as God to take away my inalienable rights!

And don't call me an anti Christ either.  The antichrist were those who declared Jesus a God, he effectively denied it.  What got him crucified was the belief or assertion that he was God.  But it was really a veiled prosecution?  Why?  Because back then religion and government were unified.  If you acted as a God and you took in money for your sermons of independent belief you were going against the government!  Money was coming to you and not the Roman Emperors who declared themselves Gods.  You see, say he is a God and right there, they had their reason to come after him.

And do you see why that is in effect a conviction to say that there is a second coming of Christ?  It is like a preordained conviction of whoever they say that is! Say someone is the second coming of Christ you can go about convicting him like you did the first one!  I know how that evil mind works!  I understand evils mind better than evil understands its own mind!

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

You couldn't make that yourself 03 24 2023

 What am I referring to?  The television!

I mean, somehow if you wanted to you could probably get four wheels together and get a very primitive car going!

But not that television!  It is the one thing that you couldn't make yourself.

Audio and video converted to waveform frequency transmitted and reproduced!

And perhaps that is why what people on television say seems to have more credibility than it really deserves?

Why?  Because they have a layer of credibility created in the first place?  Why?  Because you are looking at and listening to something that you couldn't make yourself!  They got you one down already!

No matter what they put on that television it could be considered the greatest venue of propaganda ever.  Why?  Because you couldn't make that thing yourself.

At some point in recent history there became things that we couldn't make ourselves.  And that television is one of them!

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Alliteration Humor 03 24 2023

 Perfect preferred prefect.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murph

Quote 03 24 2023

 "All of those losers want the same thing.  They want you to have the thought of mentioning their name to strike fear in you."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Granny Humor 03 21 2023

 "Tavern folk is no joke."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Money Ideology 03 21 2023

One man makes $30k a year and another make $300k a year.  Does that mean that the man who makes $300k a year is contributing 10 times as much as the one who is making $30k a year?

It is a great philosophical point with many sides to it.

So one man is disabled does that mean that he contributes nothing?  The man who makes $30k a year might say that.  But what does the man who makes $300k a year think of him?  That comparatively to him he makes no meaningful contribution either?

Someone who believes in fascism doesn't care if a self made billionaire never had to pay any taxes?

So the man who makes nothing asks the question, "If the billionaire didn't pay any taxes what did he contribute?"

Did the man who made a billion dollars really create employment or did he control employment?  Was he taught to believe that his purpose in life was to control other people?

Who would be happy working for or with the billionaire who views your contribution as being so negligible that it is meaningless?

And what about urban sprawl?  Creating skyscrapers that aren't completely occupied and never will be?  Why don't they have full occupancy?  Because those who work in them can't stand to work with each other; and want to work from home?

And getting off topic.  Where does all the drug money go?  Somebody in our nation has to be being paid off to look away while it is going on?

Is drug money laundered through real estate?  For example does a slum lord or perhaps someone that owns a fancy skyscraper book revenue from drug sales as having come from the rent paid for apartments that are really empty?  What about Hotels?  Do some operate in this fashion?

Okay let's add the business of Prostitution to the organized crime analysis.  Is money from prostitution laundered through real estate in the same way I asserted?  The owner of the real estate is booking revenue from vacant apartments as if they are being rented but that money is really coming from prostitution activity?  What about health clubs and gyms?

Now lets drop the veil of difference here.  Does it really matter if the apartment is vacant at all?  All that really matters is that it is being rented to a drug dealer or a prostitute or a pimp.  That person renting the building can be said to be a partner in crime?  Sure and legally, they can snake out of it, if attempted to be prosecuted for racketeering.  And we need a lot better racketeering laws to bring back apple pie America.  But how did they get to be a renter in the first place?  They might have said, "I got a lot of money coming in from the good stuff, candy and skirt?"

What about a bank who makes a mortgage loan to a drug king or pimp?  Okay now you are just starting to see the scope of the problem.

And the reason we don't have the death penalty is because it doesn't meet an odd sense of religious food standard?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Ps.  So there is a phrase that popped up in my mind?  "If you can't eat it don't kill it?"  Some things you can't eat and don't want to eat and would never eat should be killed!  

Why?  Because it is highly likely to devour you if you don't!

Scratch all that.

The reason we don't have the death penalty is because organized crime couldn't exist with it.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Woke Defined 03 20 2023

 As used in a sentence:

"It is like the entirety of the GOP went to sleep in another country and woke up here clueless!"

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Bakery Humor 03 20 2023

 "Their bakery is like an end of bread an old hag pulled out from the hem or her pants."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Hey Joe Biden 03 19 2023

Eliminate that late enrollment penalty for Medicare Part D coverage.

Why?  Because it is Yancy Boy made!

No better way to articulate it than that!  It is Yancy Boy made!

And I do mean that in a derogatory manner.  Not listed as being derogatory in definition of such websites.

George Bush created it in 2006.  There was no one around to explain it.

And for every month you are eligible for it and don't sign up you pay a penalty that is added to the periodic amount and never goes away?? That is Yancy Boy made!

But when you retire at 65 you can apply???

In this monopolized yancy boy work environment most of us are 95% dead by the time we are 55 years of age.

All the Republicans took the easy yancy boy jobs and that is why we have no manufacturing base.  The yancy boys contracted to have our goods produced by China!  And some of them, one at least, got knighted by the queen of what was once our greatest enemy.  Again yancy boy.  And no not Yankee.  Yancy boy.

You know what?  Perhaps I mean to say Nancy Boy?  Disregard Yancy Boy and consider I meant to say Nancy Boy.

And what kind of a family does Nancy Boy raise?  Clueless, sissified, emotionally reactive, oh what is the word for it ADHD.  See, Nancy Boy.

Sure Bush might not have been outwardly effeminate.  But what is all this, if you didn't sign by a certain date you pay a penalty that grows 1 percent a month until you do?  Even if you didn't know?  That is Nancy Boy made!

And I will say Nancy Boy means effeminate and not homosexual for the purpose of not getting anyone real pissed at me.

We have plastics in our bodies that cause effemination.  We don't need any more of that.  We have been put on drugs that caused our male pectoral muscles to grow like fatty breasts.  All approved by a Nancy Boy institution.  Enough of it!  Eliminate that Nancy Boy late enrollment penalty for Part D.

And stay tuned there are a great many other Nancy Boy instances that have cropped into our lives.  

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Ps.  It should have been integral to parts A and B.  The Government shouldn't be tricky like that to its citizens. Nor should it be unusually or cruelly vindictive.  Lessening the differences between our great nation and the lesser nations.  Bush made an alphabet soup out of it.  Can all the changes Republicans made to be considered an opportunism to lead to its defeat?  Anything they do seems to fall into that British Monarchy Commonwealth crap.

I wonder if Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden ever considered 03 19 2023

 I wonder if Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden ever considered that if the Financial Industry had the intent they could bankrupt our entire nation and then facilitate a change in type of Government?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Did I read that 13 million (former taxpayers?) were homeless in California?  That is a substantial number.  Who can be considered to have bankrupted them from their homes?

Some self made billionaire who never really made any money?  I mean if that sentence isn't a tangled up delusion I don't know what it is.  Just look at the gestalt of that sentence.

If he never really made any money then how could he be a self made billionaire?  And it is written in context of who measures whether he made money versus how much he has made free and clear?

As if a foreign government slipped some rules into our country in order to facilitate that?  Where they initially being paid to live here by that foreign government?

And Marjorie Taylor Green wants to split up the country?  I suppose she wants to give half of it to the Commonwealth like Northern Ireland is now?  I mean where do I start with teaching a History lesson to you people?  

Nijeria is part of the British Commonwealth today.  A black woman told me that in Nijeria a 5 year old girl could be raped in broad daylight by the mayor of the town and the Police won't do anything about it.  Kind of reads like that Republican initiative to outlaw abortions?  Marjorie likely doesn't understand the meaning of what I wrote.  I think most Democrats would.

On Communism 03 19 2023

"The kind of world a Communist craves is one where you could be the best at anything and a freak of nature gets to summarily end that ambition."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

What lobbyist can make Church Leaders Fear of becomes law? 03 19 2023

Have a church leader fear of losing their job if they do not adopt the policies and ideas of the most wealthy donors to the Church?

That is anti religion isn't it?  Because you have those who can't get into Heaven, per Jesus Christ, setting religious policy that then becomes law because it had religious leader backing.

And it is a clear violation of the Constitution.  We don't need to cite this case or that when something is a clear violation of the Constitution.  We don't need to reference anything else, other than stating it is a clear violation of the Constitution. 

You know another way to describe this would be the term, "Money Pumping!"

You can't have good men as Priests; because money would pump them out of there.

There is God and there are those who falsely presume to know what God meant.


"The child I purchased is not going to be made to feel stigmatized in any way!  Because my money is love!"

"But what about me?  I can't afford to have one?"

"Well then, have one, and I'll buy it!"

"Since you have so much money that you are not getting into heaven; why don't you shut up."

And the wealthy are using what should have been the poor's money to buy the poor's children?  I would assert that is true.  Impoverish someone by stealing their soul?  Conveniently offering a medical label for the action?  Schizophrenic.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Week and Weak 03 19 2023

 Where these two words disambiguated from one for the following implied reason?

"If upon having worked seven days straight (a week) the average person because weak and needed to rest?"

Even God needed to rest in that amount of time.

A week being the length of time if having worked that length of time you became weak from it?

So disambiguate the word so that people whom you have working for you can work indefinitely without deferring to the meaning of a weak?

Disambiguate it so that there are fewer obstacles to enslaving people?

Disambiguate means making two differently spelled words out of one word so that you can apply different meanings to the derivation of the same word.  Often the two words look very similar.

"Look you sniveling peasant, I am now going to spell the word this way "week" so I get absolutely no more grievances from you!  Now get back to work baby."

There is God and there are those who falsely presume to know what God meant.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Debunking the Word Homophobia 03 19 2023

 It literally means fear of homosexuality.

Is there a valid reason to be afraid of homosexuality?

Is there a valid reason why you would want to steer your children away from being one, if indeed it is a matter of choice?

Yes.  You better believe there is!

37% of LGBTQ youth contemplate suicide and 19% attempt it!

Per another look at the statistics the figure is as high as 45%.

That is something to be very afraid of if you are a parent!

Facts About LGBTQ Youth Suicide | The Trevor Project

suicide and homosexuality - Search (

So why don't you ask yourself the question, "Who really isn't being helpful?"  Those who propagandized the word Homophobia!

Presumably you love your children right?

Do I need to articulate this any more?

And don't try and tell me I am confusing one thing with another.  I am not.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps. And people like you love false attribution causality.  As if because somebody states a fact it means they are the cause of any and all things that happen because of disseminated knowledge of that fact.  And that is why we have the Constitution; to protect us from the weak minded through the right to free speech.


"Say it ain't so or I beat you up!"

"Oh, it's so alright!"

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Humor 3 18 2023

 "Artichoke's? Yeah, they're alright.  They're just a pain to get to the meaty part."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Upcycling Garden Hose to Watch Band Part 3 18 23


Until I can find or make a complete better one.

 © 2023 Thomas Murphy

Off topic:

And so there was a famous psychologist (not licensed?) on television. And per my Catholic School education it is a dead giveaway that anyone who uses the term "you-all" is a hick.

Friday, March 17, 2023

What if you had to pay a levy if 3 17 2023

 What if you had to pay a levy if you didn't own a firearm?

Entirely consistent with your Constitutional Rights!

They couldn't make you prove you own one.  But if you lie in the process, and say you did when you didn't,  then it gets worse for you.

Could be labeled someone living here to hat doesn't believe in Constitutional Rights?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Off topic.  Are there 13 million people homeless in California?  Is that what I heard?  And all the money gets funneled into what there?  Show business?  Where they guy who wins an award commits assault and battery to the presenter?  I think it's high time for wealth redistribution . 13 million people's lives funneled to that being the top?  Enough of that.

Happy St. Patrick's Day 3 17 2023


I "corn" my own beef in order to keep the salt down while retaining the flavor of corned beef.

For this reason.

I will tell you how to do so if and when I get time.
© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Republicans 03 17 2023

 The womb is more sacred than allowing births from rape or incest.

The womb is more sacred than forcing pregnancies to be kept from one-night stands and casual. encounters.

The womb is more sacred than allowing the fetus to be contaminated with alcohol and forcing a woman to term and pregnancy.

I mean you have no idea what religion means and what it means to be religious.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Why can't I say I hate someone?

I mean, wait a minute.  So the reason you can't say you hate someone is because it is hate speech?

Yeah, I would have to look up the exact definition of that.  We got that from alcoholic Republicans.

But a Republican is allowed to say a woman that doesn't want to keep a pregnancy is a criminal?

I gotta stop...

Doesn't it just mean an expression of strong dislike?

But it is okay for the televised news to do so?  Take a poll of who doesn't like a QB and label it "good riddance.". And it got 65%.

I gotta stop...

So in effect a consensus of hatred was allowed to be formed?

I gotta stop...

And so one might ask themselves what other consensus of hatred the televised media was allowed to form?

I gotta stop...

Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

How Do I know 3 14 2023

 Pardon me again.  But with the recent failure of Silicon Valley Bancshares (sp?) and perhaps another bank or do I know that my broker really bought what I told them to and didn't just make a journal entry?

I ask bc during the Great Depression banks doors were closed.

Sure a lot has changed since then. Upgrades in technology, software accounting, etc.  But what hasn't changed? An evil human nature lurking among us?  I would say it likely intensified.  Considers all elements of justice as a proxy against itself?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Humor 03 14 2023

 "Failed concrete structure created by proud Union workers who know not to ask questions?"

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

And don't think for a minute that I am anti blue collar jobs or anything like that.  I respect people who work.  What I have little to know respect for our people who prevent people from working;  even go so far as facilitating and labeling them with a sickness to that effect.  Pardon me if I will never get you.

Quote 03 14 2023

 "She will only know to say thank you, after you ask yourself, 'Why doesn't she say, thank you?'"

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Monday, March 13, 2023

The Cause of a Disease 03 13 2023

 Let's say a pharmaceutical company discovered the cause of a disease in conjunction with them researching and applying for approval of a drug.  Or even a diagnostic.

But they omitted that information from all filings; not limited to filings with the FDA, the Patent Office and the CDC.

This is a Constitutional Democracy based on rights.  Hence I believe that the officers and directors of that Corporation should be held criminally liable.

Why?  If we allowed profiting from blood money where does it lead to?  Daily quotas of death by tribal chieftains?  What does it degrade to?  Only those who are blood thirsty become successful and pass on those blood thirsty genes?  As if that is what natural selection of the human race is supposed to amount to?  I mean who propagandized that?

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Dialog 03 12 2023

 "Would you rather have a clock that runs slow or fast?"


"I think so too.  Because when you have a clock that runs fast you have fewer disappointments?"

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

In Praise of Republicans 03 12 2023

 "No one knows that their own parents should have practiced contraception better than a Republican does."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Friday, March 10, 2023

How is an "H" not a 3 10 23

 How is an "H" not a humbug?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Judge Candidates who believe in the Rule of Law 03 10 2023

 So this really bothers me.  When a Judge states that in no way shape or form would they question a law.  And I am talking about ones that are lesser than the Constitution.

Why does it bother me?

Because it has to do with the United States Declaration of Independence.  The forming of our country.  The basis of our Freedom!

In the Declaration of Independence it tells how a King changed all of our laws and replaced them with his own.  And we went to War over that, won and formed our great nation.

So to me any judge who would not even think about whether a law is Constitutional; is not being responsible in that capacity as is stated in our Declaration of Independence.

To me, that non questioning isn't one of us.  Do you understand that belief?

It is part of a Judges inherent responsibility to see that our laws are not being (slowly) changed to be inconsistent to the Constitution; so that we don't loose our freedom! 

And that Constitution was created after the Declaration of Independence; asserting just what our laws are and that every law created must conform to them.

The Revolutionary War lasted about 7 years.

And here we can flat out say that the rule of law really means something different than what those judges who will not question laws want you to think it means!  I mean you can't say it means something lesser than it does.  It is like being hired to do a job and then telling everyone that you don't have to do half the work of that job.  And then daring everyone to fire you.  Can you tell that I have worked with a lot of "different" "people"?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Ps. And what motivated me to write this?  I got an email that looked like it was from an outboard company.  It was a survey.  The first question on it was about a judge.  And I immediately clicked out of there.  Why?  Where do I start with that?  I can't do that justice in one sentence or a multiple choice question.  The problem is a lot worse than that level of response.  It requires the application of intellect and I didn't have the time right then and nor was that the venue to put a comprehensive answer.  I mean they expect that a short answer is going to answer the inherent question of that?  How simple minded are they?

Meanwhile....03 10 2023

 What United States companies own oil wells in foreign lands and perhaps foreign waters.

When did they procure them and from who and for how much.

Are there individual beneficiaries that benefit through hidden financial mechanisms?

Where there oil wells or oil fields that were procured in conjunction with United States Military Actions?

Let's take a look at all United States military conflicts and wars in the context of those questions.

Are there partnerships and agreements with foreign countries with regard to oil wells procured in foreign countries?  Meaning is the United States militarily obligated to respond in protection of what could amount to foreign own assets?  Through verbal agreements and those types of assurances?  Whereby what is told to the public might not be completely accurate?

Do "we" own oil wells in Libya today?  Iraq?  And what is the real relationship between Great Britain and Saudi Arabia?

And how does the fossil fuel question come into play with the Ukraine and Russia?

Too many questions for me to research and answer.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Tuna Noodles w Nested Peas 3 10 23


© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Rescinding Laws that were...3 10 23

 Rescinding Laws that were created or modified because those who created or modified them were aided and abetted by a foreign enemy in doing so.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Mandarin Duck 03 10 2023

And So I was looking for a replacement right angle silicon part to a coffee maker 03 10 2023

 And in the search results on a major e commerce site popped up piercing needles.  That people use to pierce their lips and other body parts.

Can I just take a moment to say,

"Whose sickness is this?"

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  Who made a voodoo pin cushion doll out of you without you knowing it???

A Snow Shovelers Breakfast 3 10 23


 That's fresh cracked black pepper in those potatoes.

The one thing good about bacon is that it stores forever in the freezer for when you run out of breakfast sausage.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Butch Humor 03 10 2023

 "I'll beat you up if you say something bad about bacon."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Voucher for Private Schools 03 10 2023

 I mean how much is that?

And more importantly, what about Home Schooling?

If a person home schools their children should they receive a voucher for doing so?

What would happen?

There would be absolutely no one qualified to teach the children of the rich!  Presuming they can't contrive a way to spy in on the schooling a father is giving to their own children?


So we had a United States President who paid someone to take their entrance exams to an Ivy League School?

I mean if you know you can't do well on those exams what in the world would make you believe you would be able to do well at that Ivy League School?

And here is the point.  If they paid someone to take the entrance exams, who are they paying to write their term papers?  Does each wealthy person going to an ivy league school have an "assistant" assigned to them?

I mean it is exactly like this.  Psychosis= a break from reality.  The only thing is that some people couldn't understanding reality from day one in their lives!  If you can't learn a dam thing how can you be said to know what reality is in life?  Does that make you a born psychotic?  That is a little too generous a term for someone like that isn't it?  Psychosis implies that everyone is of the normal standard to begin with in life.  

Perhaps this analogy proves the point better.  How can a person be disabled if they never had ability in life?  If you were born genetically defective you are never going to have ability, hence you can never have that ability taken away from you because you never had it to begin with.  In order to be disabled it is implied that you had ability!  But some people never were born that way.  In order to have a break from reality (psychosis) it is implied that you knew what reality was to begin with.  I mean at whatever level was appropriate for someone of your age.

How can you have your reality taken away from you if you never had it to begin with?


There might be a provision in law that states you can't give money to private schools without paying a parent to home school their own children too!  I mean and look at where that would go?  Are there good men and women who don't use alcohol and drugs and are highly educated and don't fit into the Corporate dog eat human world?  You would be paying them to do what the wealthy can't do for their own children?

And Republicans want the parents to decide what teachers should teach?  And Republicans want you to pay for a religious education?  Ask yourself, what did they get out of education?  What did they come away from education with?  We had a President who bragged about how when he was a boy he hit the music teacher in the face?  Is that how Republicans want the world to be?  That ugly ugly brat tells the teacher what to teach him?  And then when it comes time for him to go to college he pays someone to take his entrance exams?


I mean didn't we have a President who seemed to want to feed off all the negative energy he created?  I don't know how else to say it than that.  And ask yourself what was spawned in our nation and by who that goes apesh1t over someone like that?


I mean and there is Dorothy staring through the looking glass backwards?  She has to get in on the education system too doesn't she.  As if that is where she can apply her business knowledge?

How long before they are serving beer for lunch in grade school?  Those private schools already have young people coveting a drink of wine from the so Golden Goblet.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Off topic.

So Jesus ministry lasted perhaps 2 or 3 years before the Romans nailed him to a cross.  The tax collector was at one of them and he had to climb a tree in order to be able to Jesus speaking in the distance.  And we know that Jesus received money from the people who attended his sermons.  Because he commented on the rich not giving enough in the collection.  Which means what?  How much money did he make from that?  If he had to stand on a mount to give a sermon I bet that was an awful lot of money?  Was it 40 bars of silver worth of money?  Something to think about this time of the year as mid April approaches.  And it also has something to do with private schools.


In summary if you gave a good man or woman the voucher amount for tuition to a private school in order so that they could use it to teach their own children would that money start to approach the amount of a full time job?  

I know, I know, everyone is starting to feel sorry for "Butch?"  Butch's wealthy father is a no good drunk.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Paramount Hypothetical Theological Question 03 09 2023

Paramount Hypothetical Theological Question 03 09 2023

 "If they were crucifying Jesus Christ today; would you step in to help him?"

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Dinner Unbelievable Roast Beef Marinated in Black Pepper Sauce 3 8 23


© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Social Commentary 03 08 2023

 "And the pimp bought himself the first pew at the Church so that he could be viewed as a trusted elder and better cull from the young girls growing up in the neighborhood."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Projection? 03 08 2023

 "And the ones who couldn't learn anything from us are going to be the one's giving us orders."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Show Business Humor or Reality 03 08 2023

 "What do you mean you are sad?  You were type cast because you were of poor character.  The more people that see you the more you will be hated.  Don't complain to anyone, you made good money."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Depending how much work you put into fixing it? 03 07 2023

 Depending on how much work you put into fixing it, perhaps it is then no longer made in China?

Well it still was.  But you get the idea.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Monday, March 6, 2023

Designed in America 03 06 2023

The labels read "Designed in America"  followed by one that read "Made in China."

And you know what?  I doubt they even paid the American who designed it!!!

Satan views man as finite?

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor 03 06 2023

 "A restaurant is only as good as the employee hygiene that came from a mud hut?"

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Jesus Christ on Freedom of Speech 03 06 2023

 "If my eye doth offend you pluck it out."

Did he really want someone to pluck out his eye?  No.

How does an eye offend?  It doesn't mean that it means this,  "If what I see in you offends you."

Or rather, "If what I see in you, believe to be true about you and then say about you offends you..."

"Pluck it out?"  That isn't a human behavior is it.  It is either someone who is psychotic or has a brain defect that would actually attack you and attempt to tear out your eye?

So that is what Jesus is saying you are!

I would say that is something an animal would do to you but Facebook censorship doesn't have the mental capacity to understand what a crime against humanity is and by default what would commit that.

But yeah,  Jesus is saying that.  If what I see in your behavior, if what I say about you that I believe to be true, if that offends you so greatly, that is what you are?  An animal for wanting to tear out a persons eye because of that?

Lets see if I can get it more to the point once more.  Jesus is calling out Satan isn't he!

If what people truthful think and believe and say about you offends you then you are an animal for not being able to change?  You are an animal for not being able to recognize the truth in yourself?  In fact you are so stupid that you believe all you have to do in life to hide your own ugliness and sickness is to manually blind anyone who sees it?

We have had a few of those as President of our Country haven't we?

Now you won't hear that in Church.  In fact your Priest would likely be fired for it.  But the same Republican parents who want to pay to write the grades of their own children?  So much for the validity of private schools.

That Catholic Faith (or Christian Faith) only works when you have men strong enough to tell you what it means.

In effect Jesus Christ is telling you about a standard of his Kingdom!

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Friday, March 3, 2023

Humor 3 3 23 b

 "I think I like Prince Harry about as much as I do Danny Bonaduce."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Sit Comm Humor 03 03 2023

 "Taking you out on a date was like opening a can of ham."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Humor 03 03 2023

 "Tell me your dogs name is Murphy and you're eating grass."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

I didn't know this about bromine containing soda 3 1 23

 From Google search results:

"What is the unhealthiest soda?

Sodas containing Bromine are the worst. It appears on the ingredient list as BVO or brominated vegetable oil. Mountain Dew, Fresca and Fanta contain it, among others. Bromine supplants iodine in the body. › ...

What is the most unhealthiest soda in the world? - The Healthy Journal. "

Thomas Murphy 

Quote 3 1 2023

 "When someone doesn't have the courage to tell you the truth because they know what they believe isn't the truth."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy