The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Tomorrow is Monday 03 26 2023

 The stock market is open and the garbage goes out.

And statistically most people die at 9am on Mondays of a heart attack at that job they have.

Somehow work in the United States isn't what it is supposed to be.  There is no common goal bonding.  There is no mutual respect for one another.  It is driven by money.  And only the worst personalities among can survive in that environment.  Because they value that money more than they do people? 

Work should be like teamwork!  It shouldn't be filled with those who are just there to be limey and detract from your life.

I mean you get there and you ask yourself, "Where on God's green earth did someone like you come from?"  Or "Who falsely praised you?"  "Or your values have nothing in common with humanity?"  Or, "How long before someone like that is going to bankrupt this company?"

Seriously I think that ultimately those bad personalities bankrupted so many companies and siphoned so much money out of this country through high and undeserved salaries that they want to change the structure of this country to one of Master and Apprentice.

So that in addition to being a mouthy insult they can also get a little queer with you?

I could see some former President want to be President getting in office and then immediately siding with Russia over the Ukraine?  Then grafting Russian and Chinese work policies on the United States?  Anything to maintain a delusion of superiority?  It is like what a friend once told me about a bad person in the workplace, "You can never get rid of the brat!"

And Republicans don't really have family values.  Because that isn't how they live.  Children are material objects to them.  If a mother aborts one she had no right to do so because non working class Republicans don't consider her a mother they consider her a subject.  As a subject she has no right to abort a child.  That child is property of those who need to maintain a delusion of superiority.  And that delusion includes the principle of master and subject.  And sure I could say some religions really believe in Kings.  Kings over democracies!  Slaves for Kings and oh by the way let's see if that Constitution really fits our nation today?  And what the heck is a floating amendment McCarthy alluded to?  Was it floating or what term did he use?  It is a semantic to break the Constitution without using the terminology that you are doing so?  Kind of like Great Britain hiring Mercenaries or something like that to fulfill the role of Pirates?

The Irish built the infrastructure of this country.  We came here and they were racist against us.  Did we cry about it?  No. Did we ask for reparations? No.  No we proved them wrong! Did we sit around on whoopy cushions all day long and leach the souls from people?  No we worked because we liked to work.  I don't believe there are people like that here today.  They have all had their neighborhoods gone to junk and crime and were forced out.  The Irish American population has not grown like that of those who can't even learn reading, writing and arithmetic.  

Did the Irish get here and pretend that they were really all just one person?  No, they rolled up their sleeves and worked.  And they built something!  They built something they thought they were going to enjoy.

I do believe that non working Republican class really does hate this country.  Look at what they complain about.  Look at who they complain about.

They complain about teachers.  And if you ever read about the last Presidents life, he hated teachers.  Wanted to or did punch the music teacher in the nose?  And oh, McCarthy, what a joy to be a sycophant he is.  He provides all the answers for problems that don't really exist?  As if a parent can't look at their own child's homework?  So what curriculum do the Republicans really want?  One where you will never be able to figure out they are not earning their money?

Oh he wants the parents to be heard?  We already know what a drunken Republican on the sidelines of their child's soccer game sounding at the ref sounds like.  Do you really have to transition that garbage into the classroom?

Children can't learn proper English because their parents are lazy brained and speak with phrases such as "you all" and a host of other phrases that I like to forget that I ever heard.  I would really like to forget about Donald Trump.  What good does he do this country?  

And so is this their strategy?  The more that they complain about meaningless things the more they elevate how others who were born like them view them?  It isn't about ideology it is about how one thinks in limited terms and recognizes another that does too?  So it is a little below average isn't it!  It helps if you recognize that and are able to.  Lobbying for a vision from a lesser standard of life?

And for every word they get me to misspell they teach a retard how to spell it correctly.  To only teach someone how to learn out of seething envy!  To channel seething jealousy into a fixation.  To only be able to learn by making an example out of those who can learn.

And now I am making a Republican like phrase, "What good is it that someone like you learns anything?"  It is like, "What is the benefit of someone like you ostensibly learning anything." 

And perhaps the Republicans, think that is their right to be that way?  To share someone else's wealth?  So that the lowly among us are able to have a resemblance of life?  Kind of beautiful if you think about it.  But more ugly than beautiful.

A pure bile acid metal dissolving diatribe!

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

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