The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, March 24, 2023

Oh, Oh the Second Coming of Christ !!! 03 24 2023

 That is what I heard a politician from Alaska say.

But wait minute.  Why would we want the second coming of Christ?  So that we can all watch him get crucified again?

So that we can watch the whores that he refused to stone jeer at him as he carries his cross again?  A lot of irony there!

So we can hear him being convicted for some woman with caked on makeup and botox lips saying he gave her a terrible dream?  Think about that and damned if it doesn't crack you up.

I mean I am 56 years old and have no children.  Hear tormenting demon like voices 24-7 for 31 years.  Jesus was able to drive the demons from a person and the Bible says that he knew them.  Something doesn't add up right there!  I don't want the second coming of Christ.  Give me someone like Elijah!  Give me the second coming of Elijah!  Through the most wicked woman there was to be rendered to wild dogs!  If Elijah did that who else would he bring to justice?  Pimps!  Likely.  Deadly drug dealers?  Likely!  Those who sell chemicals that cause babies to be born deformed and brain damaged?  Likely.  You get the point.  Don't give me the second coming of Christ.  Give me the second coming of someone more like Elijah.  What would Elijah do to those Priests who sexually molested 216,000 children?  It wouldn't be good for them personally would it!

When the Jews wanted to execute them he stated that the people he was talking to were just like sheep to him.  What would he say about me in this modern day and age?  I wouldn't like being called a sheep!  I don't like having a fraudulent medical term and diagnosis applied to me either.

I don't want to hear Jesus Christ telling us to all turn the other cheek when Russian and Chinese tanks land on our home soil!

The point being, from what you read in the Bible why would you expect the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to be any different than the first?

He is said to have gone willingly to his death?  I don't care to see that happen again.  In fact, I don't want that taught in schools as "the way to be".

All of his disciples were slaughtered.  Did that stance end violence?  No.  United States history tells us that we had to fight to gain our Independence from tyranny.  I like that ideology better than being passive and turning the other cheek. 

I mean did you ever ask yourself what really happens if you turn the other cheek?  You end up getting enslaved don't you!

And sure he spoke up against the wealthy.  I suppose we are to believe he will look exactly like those long haired paintings of him when he comes again?  What is the point?  How would his speaking against the wealthy be any different than yours or mine today?

Did he have supernatural powers?  He couldn't wave his hand and destroy a phalanx of Roman troops that were about to commit genocide could he!  And was it Caliphus who said better him, one of us, than all of us?  Those Romans came back and turned the streets into rivers of blood.  I don't want to see that happen to what was once accurately called the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And I know that you want to use that Bible to threaten me!  As if I have caused someone to lose faith in God and therefore, I am damned?  Listen very carefully!  Don't you dare curse me like that!  Don't you dare use that Bible justification to curse any of us!  Don't try and write a negative prophecy of our human lives just exactly like you did Jesus Christ.  He knew what you were up to!  "For it has already been written by you, that when the crow squawks three times I will be dead..."  or something like that.  Don't use that Bible to curse the free!

Do not make us afraid when we think we should make mention of your name.  Do not apply that narrative of the Bible to us!  Do not stand before me as God to take away my inalienable rights!

And don't call me an anti Christ either.  The antichrist were those who declared Jesus a God, he effectively denied it.  What got him crucified was the belief or assertion that he was God.  But it was really a veiled prosecution?  Why?  Because back then religion and government were unified.  If you acted as a God and you took in money for your sermons of independent belief you were going against the government!  Money was coming to you and not the Roman Emperors who declared themselves Gods.  You see, say he is a God and right there, they had their reason to come after him.

And do you see why that is in effect a conviction to say that there is a second coming of Christ?  It is like a preordained conviction of whoever they say that is! Say someone is the second coming of Christ you can go about convicting him like you did the first one!  I know how that evil mind works!  I understand evils mind better than evil understands its own mind!

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

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