The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, March 10, 2023

Judge Candidates who believe in the Rule of Law 03 10 2023

 So this really bothers me.  When a Judge states that in no way shape or form would they question a law.  And I am talking about ones that are lesser than the Constitution.

Why does it bother me?

Because it has to do with the United States Declaration of Independence.  The forming of our country.  The basis of our Freedom!

In the Declaration of Independence it tells how a King changed all of our laws and replaced them with his own.  And we went to War over that, won and formed our great nation.

So to me any judge who would not even think about whether a law is Constitutional; is not being responsible in that capacity as is stated in our Declaration of Independence.

To me, that non questioning isn't one of us.  Do you understand that belief?

It is part of a Judges inherent responsibility to see that our laws are not being (slowly) changed to be inconsistent to the Constitution; so that we don't loose our freedom! 

And that Constitution was created after the Declaration of Independence; asserting just what our laws are and that every law created must conform to them.

The Revolutionary War lasted about 7 years.

And here we can flat out say that the rule of law really means something different than what those judges who will not question laws want you to think it means!  I mean you can't say it means something lesser than it does.  It is like being hired to do a job and then telling everyone that you don't have to do half the work of that job.  And then daring everyone to fire you.  Can you tell that I have worked with a lot of "different" "people"?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Ps. And what motivated me to write this?  I got an email that looked like it was from an outboard company.  It was a survey.  The first question on it was about a judge.  And I immediately clicked out of there.  Why?  Where do I start with that?  I can't do that justice in one sentence or a multiple choice question.  The problem is a lot worse than that level of response.  It requires the application of intellect and I didn't have the time right then and nor was that the venue to put a comprehensive answer.  I mean they expect that a short answer is going to answer the inherent question of that?  How simple minded are they?

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