The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, July 8, 2023

How Come the State of Texas can't seal its own border 07 08 2023

 Because time and again they have elected incompetent Republican Governors?

The Republicans always advocate for State level responsibility of everything.  It is really a form of divide and conquer in terms of its impact on our Democracy.

But because that is how Republicans think, how come they can't even apply their own logic to their own problems?  In other words why can't Texas seal its own border?

Is it like a poor character sheriff television series whereby they are all recklessly driving around in 1969 Dodge Chargers, whereby somehow at that level illegal money is being made?  Hence that is why it isn't getting done?  Those who are complaining that it needs to be done don't have the gumption to do it because they don't really want it done because a source of their income will be gone?  Here is a fear the dolt has that you would never realize, if the dolt doesn't give that bitchy wife everything she wants he fears she will abandon him.  And she likes to play the role of being more than half his brain.  And he knows from how his life was before she was more than half his brain that he will be a flat zero!  So he will beg borrow cheat and steal to keep that bitchy emotionally disturbed woman happy.  And right there we are getting into the origin of gender identity aren't we!  But that would be another article.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

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