The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Immigration 07 19 2023

One reason we might want to stop immigration altogether is because our lakes and rivers can't handle all of the pollutants created by the increase in population caused by immigrants.

Is it a river or a giant sewer?

So they are left with the option of making a better home of their own homeland?  And then you ask the question do they really come from a valid democracy where that is even possible?  Or is it an ostensible democracy?

Capacity as measured by waste?

We know very well the dangers of overloading a concert hall, restaurant or stadium and we don't allow it to happen.  We close the gates when a festival has reached capacity.

Another way to look at it is, at capacity in terms of public services?  For example we have a lead piping issue in Milwaukee they say it will take 20 years to replace?  Okay, close the borders, fix the pipes and in 20 years reopen the country.

So you let immigrants in who are bringing deadly drugs?  Another way to look at it is, the increase in gun violence?  I agree with the Republican who stated guns don't kill people any more than pencils misspell words.  So we are led to believe that people bringing deadly drugs into our country has absolutely nothing to do with the increase in gun violence?

I mean you listen to something like that and look at the last two Presidents and ask yourself, they like to sit around with a look of amazement on their face as if they just filled their pants?  That's what we got now, and the one before it worse worse!

We also have a nonworking wealth class that hides in nonfunctioning charities?

When an aluminum plane gets old we don't fill it to capacity and mandate it fly; we park it in the dessert because metal fatigue.

I mean we don't read the Constitution, look at the population numbers and wait until there is 5 people for every square foot of our country?  Here is a valid place to apply common sense.

And we could also question the validity of education of the ivy leaguers.  What good is your college degree if you can't even figure out you weren't supposed to drink alcohol before conception or during pregnancy?  So we are at Capacity with that aren't we!

We are at capacity when people start spouting our Constitution is wrong.

I find great commonality with those who wrote the Constitution.  Ask yourself this, who is this country today is expressing that they do not find commonality with our Constitution or those who wrote it.  Are they offering better ideas or more degradation?  We are at Capacity with them.  We are at capacity with those who can't learn or learn our language.  We are at capacity with those who don't have a soul.

Is that restaurant worker smiling, or do they have a confrontational attitude that is highly unappetizing?  Is that banker giving you a happier day or are they being problematic?  Is that teacher a happy person or do they resent the sons of men?  Is that person hustling or are they inhibiting the workplace in every way possible.

If I was the son of that President (more than one of them) what were the odds I would be on Cocaine too?  Look at all problems in amazement like I just filled my pants and am demonically possessed by a woman that uses a hand held air wafting fan?

We are at capacity when we have hoards of sterile men and women running after other peoples babies, yelling, "Moin, moin, moin."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

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