The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Americas Diet versus the Pharmacist’s 06 21 2011

Americas Diet versus the Pharmacist’s 06 21 2011
Qui Bono- Who profits from the American Diet?  Everyone but true Americans do.
Capitalisms primary flaw has been the commercial sale of food.  Why?  Because it is laced with chemicals, sugars and things that make us sick as a country.
What does the American diet give us- a great need for pills?
And the pills eventually kill us.
I was kayaking on Lake Rush the other day and noticed the Mill Foil weeds that overgrew it.  I asked myself, “If they cannot create a simple chemical that can target and kill just the Mill Foil- a simple plant- what are all their medications that are designed to help human beings really doing to us?”
Capitalism’s failure was that it violated the rights of American Citizens when it capitalized them.  Capitalism should really mean efficient use of capital but it no longer does.  IT means protect those who capitalize and deplete the lives of good and honest Americans in sickness.
And it has to change.
If those at the FDA really earned their tax dollars they would regulate tobacco.  Who likes to go out in the fresh air only to walk past some sneering witch or witch boy with a crime stick in his mouth.
What is that person really saying, “The words of my mouth (that smokes) are really the equivalent of cancerous smoke and I need you to breathe them.”
Our EPA was formed as a part of our Government to stop pollution.  What happened to their authority?  It was argued away by those who like smoke.
  Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

originally posted on 06 22 2011 at:

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