The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Missing Persons Crime Work 06 22 2011

Missing Persons Crime Work 06 22 2011

Because I was confronted while on a recreational trip by a stranger as to whether or not I had a gun on me I started to think about missing persons and do some research and came up with some interesting questions and answers regarding missing persons.
The national rate is that 2,300 people go missing every day in this country and 900,000 for a year (source  That would mean on average 50 a day in Wisconsin or 18,000 for a year.  But yet when you look on the missing person site of Wisconsin you only see about 50 in total listed as missing.  I have always found that the best place to hide people is in plane site.

The Wisconsin missing person’s list is extremely low compared to what the national average would work out to be.
The number is less than other states. That is odd because Chicago used to send their homeless to Wisconsin on the train.   What happened to them when they got here?  Are they being used in sacrificial ceremonies and disposed of?
Are peoples ground bones being disposed of here?  I am talking about a rock break wall that is located in Lake Michigan between Atwater Beach and the Water Treatment plant in Milwaukee.  There was a lot of muck their when and what appeared to be a ground up type of bone shell or calcium material that floated up to the surface when I waded through here.  It was the kind of muck you could sink down in and I have not experienced much muck in Lake Michigan like this- it seemed odd to be there.  I also think missing persons would be disposed of close to the train station.  I saw some rusty box cars on a nearby track they had sheet metal covers and it made me wonder.  The police horse stable is just a short distance south of these, but too far for there to be feed kept in them.
As I looked at some of the pictures on the missing persons list some of the faces looked nefarious.  Are there those who are missing so that they can commit crimes undetected?  You have the perfect killer if so.  As missing they are untraceable and not likely to be traceable.
This led me to ask the question, “When did DNA testing first become available?”  Because if a person did not want to be traced by their DNA they would likely take off around the time they knew there would be evidence on them.  This led me to a second point, what if someone was adopted and their parents were dead and then they were a missing person?  It would be extremely hard to locate them and prove anything about them.  This same logic applies to people who have been declared missing and there is no way to track to see if it is there DNA because their parents are long ago buried.  Both of these types of people would be the kinds organized crime would likely try and recruit to commit murder or other crimes.
Are Missing Persons Tortured and Sacrificed?
If you are a member of the satanic race and you are going to sacrifice someone you are going to do it at a nice gathering place.   So that all your rich satanic friends can come and have a good time.
Where is the best place for criminals to hide?  In plain sight!  Where have we recently found criminals in our society to be hiding in plain sight- the child molesters of the Catholic Church were the priests at the pulpit.  I once heard a priest who was a former college football player that failed (Michael Lightener)  mutter under his breath, “It has been a long time since I’ve had to kill someone.”
“Bless me father for I have sinned.  I committed murder.”
“Aye my son, you are a good candidate for the priesthood.”
My point is this regarding religious leaders, they are supposed to be a part of the holy spirit of God and under his influence.  We are never supposed to question that.  So therefore all you would need would be for one of them to commit a crime like murder or molestation and you would know that the whole of the lot of them are not of the holy spirit of God.  Now if they are not of the Holy Spirit is it fair to say that they are liars in saying they are?  Yes it is.  So they are liars.  Now if they are liars are they also then criminals?  Well they are taking money in charity fraudulently.  That is a crime.
We have enough probable cause to test the whole lot of religious leaders DNA and compare it to our crime database.
In light of the Chicago case where a priest aided and abetted an organized crime leader, we also need to subpoena all records of priest visits to prison inmates.
Most Jewish men that I have met are docile and obedient to their wives.  The only way they could be made docile and obedient would be if the women committed atrocities and horrors.  We should also subpoena records on religious money and its uses, accounting records.    This is where the tax laws came into being regarding loans to relatives and related parties.  The bottom line is it makes for an unfair economy when others are paid to harass individuals in a manner of attrition and be backed by a pool of religious money.  There is not a doubt in my mind they are capable of this.
We need to follow these money trails or at least be aware of their existence as we shape our country for a better future.  For example many do not know that the practice of giving a son the same name as his father actually obfuscates the money trail.  “The Grandfather dies and the grandson has the same first name and he still cashes the Grandfather’s checks and says there his.”
With regard to missing persons.  I would also suspect it when a priest is promoted and leaves one area to live in another.  There were many murders of young boys in LaCrosse and then Bishop Listecki get’s promoted to Bishop in Milwaukee.  We need to tap the phones of such people and make entrapment type calls with regard to activities they are likely to commit.  I have a strong suspicion that many missing persons have been entrapped not to go to jail but rather to be tortured sacrificed and killed.
Not only do we need a National Voter ID card but we also need a National DNA database.  An innocent person or one who plans to commit no crime in their life or has no loved ones that have committed crimes would not object to this.  And it does lead to more accountability and responsibility.
Once the satanic are done torturing and then eating the flesh off of those 900,000?  A year my theory is that they grind the bones up.  But then what do they do with the ground up bones?  Are they used in cement or asphalt pavement?  Are they added to pet and livestock feed? Or do these evil people then just make soup from them?
And if you don’t know, I mean really know whose picnic that is, do not go to it and eat there.  You might end up eating something that breaks God’s Law from the Bible and makes you a human cannibal or human zombie and that is one of them!!!  You will then be sitting at the cannibals table for the rest of your life and not even know what happened to you.
They would need equipment that could grind bones to the consistency of saw dust.  We need to research who makes this type of equipment and trace their sales and use in Wisconsin.  Is this why the Republican Party never want a clean air standards to take effect?  That what is going up and out those smoke stacks is pre-fossil fuels?- no I mean bone fuel “augment” for furnaces?  Do they just toss our bones in the furnace?
Wealthy Jewish English bankers were said to sacrifice children.  I believe they were responsible for the genocide in Ireland.  I worked for many English and Jews at First Analysis Corporation in Chicago and I will name names, Oliver Nicklin, Brett Maxwell, Clement Urberman, George Middlemas, Janet Lloyd, Allan Cohen, etc.  This company’s claim to fame was industry coverage of the Solid waste industry- that means landfills.  I often heard Oliver Nicklin arguing with a Mexican who was dumping hazardous material right off the truck where it was not supposed to be.  First Analysis also made me sit next to a phone machine that put out an electric field that stripped my soul from me.  Your thinking is based on electrical impulses.  They are just bad!  They sat on a quarter of a billion dollar investment from AT&T that they invested with our government that paid their salaries. They carved a fee out from the interest they received on it a large amount. I should sue and the investment business in this country for racketeering and treble damages but we are corrupt in this country and have legitimized the corruption.   
This got me to thinking, “We should run the DNA on all religious leaders, (priests, ministers, Rabbis, through our DNA database.)”  Why?  Because the best criminals hide in plain sight and often commit crimes that betray the public trust by abusing it.  The innocent have nothing to fear in having their DNA tested, as there is no harm in knowing who they are.  And DNA alone is not proof of a crime.
When I looked at the missing person’s database pictures I saw a few pictures and thought that we should run DNA from their parents and try and see if they match to any open cases.
It was no coincidence that Russell Crow played both, Nash (an Irish name) who was an noble winning mathematician who developed Schizophrenia in the movie “A Beautiful Mind” and that the next movie he starred in he played a Character that was having his eye torn out by a feeble minded member of what can only be termed the Satanic race.  To tear out ones eye is to tear out ones soul- these are synonymous.  Read your Bible.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
  Originally Posted on 06 22 2011 at:

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