The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Who did you torture for 06 11 2011

Who did you torture for 06 11 2011
Who did you torture for?
All the unemployed?
Did you torture for the homeless?
Did you torture for all the unskilled workers?
Those in dead end jobs?
Those who like to pay less for gas?
Those who negligently broke oil wells and flooded the gulf with oil?
Those who have trouble learning?
Those under a mountain of debt, who feel correctly, that the bank owns everything of theirs now and on the day they die?
Those who live below the poverty line?
Those dying of modern diseases?
Those who are overweight?
Those who can’t pay their electric bills?
Those who are victims of crime?
Those who work at drive up windows?
Those who couldn’t pay their mortgage and lost their homes?
Those with learning difficulties? (Are you arguing some of these are repetitive problems but different?)
Those who can’t afford health care for themselves and their families?
Veterans who can’t get a job and are homeless?
Those labeled mentally ill in the name of wealth creation?
Did you torture for the corporate paper entities that are absolved from any responsibility for its actions via limited liability?
Are these the people they tortured for?  Or don’t all those people represent a great percentage and majority of our country that suffers enough already- we suffer enough already because those in power have made irresponsible decisions- we don’t need the rest of the world to hate us any more for the horror those in power represent.  Did you torture for the tax payer- because that is who this greater majority is!  And for the horror they represent us as a country to be!

For the good of whom did they torture?
Who did you torture for, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etal. ?
You didn’t do it for me.

God Hope for America
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 06 11 2011 at:


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