The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Politicians and Transparent Substance 06 08 2011

Politicians and Transparent Substance 06 08 2011
Last night I was briefly forced to watch the television news.  I saw Mayor Tom Barrett and his wife in formal dress and out on the town.  This morning I thought, “Politicians they do not win on principals they win as a matter of popularity.”
Because they win based on elements of personality, “No new policies for the maintenance of good,” are ever created.   And everything has gone downhill.  And I am not talking about Tom Barrett specifically but all politicians. (I have been a Democrat all my life.)
I bet if someone offered Mitt Romney the acting role of a villain in an old time horror movie he would take it right away.  This would be like giving your dog a bone to keep it from chewing the furniture.  Somebody do that and maybe it will keep those who are absent of any transparent substance out of Government.  But the timing and implementation of those offers would have to be well ordained.    Give him the white makeup and a black cape and his posture would resonate like that of Bella Lugosi.  You would look and say, “Ah- I know what I’ve been watching now.”  You and your children could sit in front of the television set with a bucket of popcorn and have the epiphany, “Ah…yes that is what I am watching,” and pass the bucket to junior.  Even Baby Boo would understand.
And after that horror movie is over you turn to the comedy channel and see that Sarah Palin is happy to play the new “Chicken Lady,” on the out of date “Kids in the Hall” sketch comedy series.  And then you turn to a movie channel again but miss the show but see that Scott Walker is indeed credited as a stand in or backside double for a new Rocky movie.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 06 11 2011 at:


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