The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Enslaved and conquered by China 01 15 2019

Enslaved and conquered by China 01 15 2019

So I get the feeling that absolutely everything we make in the United States China attempts to mass produce and make cheaper.

But if you are leader of China why didn't you just plant agricultural crops in order to feed your people?  Why pollute and employ at low wages and very low human rights?

Because you want to impose that on the of the world?  Create that two class system?

How long will it be before absolutely nothing is made in the United States?

Guess what happens then?  The argument will no longer be:

"We are too dependent on foreign OIL."

It will be:


A process of see who has the brains in the United States, sell them short and then label them a schizo.

So and so doesn't want to work on the factory floor they are much better at being a manager because they are naturally antisocial, deceptive and flawed.

And it is like go outside everyday and all your neighbors will be autistic.

Tell me this, who in our country even recognizes that as a problem?

It is like a vacuum.

The middle class will be hurt by it if not even eliminated.


So Donald Trump feeds some successful basketball players fast food.  He could have fired up a grill and bought hamburger by the pound.  Can Donald even grill his own food?

To me the seen of those basketball players eating that food would fit well right into a seen from a Godfather movie somewhere involving "props" from professional sports?  Somehow.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Working for people like that is like working for someone that angrily say's this to you, "Where is my bib?"

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