The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, January 14, 2019

We are going to need a strong Constitutional Amendment with regard to addictive drugs. 01 14 2019

We are going to need a strong Constitutional Amendment with regard to addictive drugs.  01 14 2019

We are also going to need one that defines prostitution as slavery.  And pornography as prostitution.

And how many people when they become addicted to one substance mal adapt by switching or also using a second addictive and destructive substance.  In other words one addictive substance leads to another addictive substance.  And perhaps that is stronger statement than calling it a gateway drug.

One addictive substance is so dangerous that.

1.  The person can't quit that very substance.
2.  The person looses their ability to recognize any dangers they might have been able to recognize with regard to other addictive substances.
3.  The sanctity of the human brain is altered in the process.
4.  It is a death spiral just like a drunk drive going off the road.
5.  So what is it about addiction that prevents the addict from realizing they are addicted? It has altered the human mind with the gift of a false reward.

Now look at the gestalt of that.  When was the last time you heard a drunk drinking a beer and saying "I am falsely rewarding myself."  The heroin addict found dead with the needle in his/her arm they came to that realization at the end of the process?

But if you are a non drinker isn't that a great way to think about the bolstering drinker?  That boisterous drunk is really making the statement, "I am falsely rewarding myself."  Is it not really a cry for help?  But instead what happens when they get close to you?  They attempt to drag you into that same hole.

What is the statement they are making to you when they say you should have a beer too?  Isn't it really this, "You should falsely reward  yourself too."

Not really a fair or nice thing to say to someone is it.

Your internal response is, "I wish you didn't think so little of me as you do yourself?"

But here is what I really think.  Don't you want to know what I really think?  Don't you like when I am able to identify what I really think.

"I think that you are better than someone who falsely rewards themselves.  I liked the good person I knew you to be."

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

And there is a little more to this.  A person takes first place in something and immediately someone hands them a drink to celebrate.  Isn't the effect of that to really lessen the natural high that person got from their own achievement?  And in doing so it doesn't reinforce the achievement but lessens the probability of it occurring again? It numbs one to their own happiness?  It substitutes or negates ones own happiness and therefore it is a slight against human potential.  It almost seems to be motivated to be from that which could be considered not one of us.  So what I am saying is that when I see a person that has honestly and fairly achieved I like to see them realize the happiness from just that and not be slighted in the manner I described.

So ask yourself this.  Many people live and relish the memories of successes as children; that is where their mind dwells.  That was a time when there were no drugs involved as reward systems?  That notion would seem to support my assertion.

So here is the crux of it.  Why would someone really use a substance to "celebrate" achievement?  Because they believe or know they didn't really achieve it fairly and don't deserve it.  In effect it blurs the means to the achievement doesn't it.  As if they are just here to cheat the human race out of evolution?

Pretty dark statement.  "I am really just here to cheat the human race out of evolution."  continued, "By the way that is my Down's Syndrome daughter over there, don't say nothing bad about her when she sh1t heels your wood floor."

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