The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Taking away a woman's right to have alcohol 11 26 2022

This is one that has a lot of barriers to me writing it. 

So in some states a woman can be prosecuted, fined or worse if she uses drugs while pregnant.  What does that really imply?  It implies that during the period of conception and pregnancy she DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO USE DRUGS OR ALCOHOL!

But it isn't stated anywhere in law like that because of the 21st Amendment and alcohol being legal and the regulation of it to be done by the ATF.

Do you follow the legal line here?  Either the 21st Amendment is illegal, or the law created to prosecute her for the use of alcohol during pregnancy is illegal.  And those two laws are not allowed to contradict one another per the Constitution.  And the Constitution is the Supreme Law which all other laws created must conform to.

So we know right from wrong and yet we have legislatures that do not know right from wrong or have the moral qualifications to enact right from wrong.  Big problem.


Fine for giving alcohol to minor up to $5,000.00 if considered a misdemeanor and perhaps $50,000.00 if it considered a felony.


So I forgot where I was going with this.  I had to put this article on the back burner for awhile.


So if it is a fine for giving alcohol to a minor of $5000.  or perhaps a felony of $50,000 per the above researched link, but that law is not thought of as applying to pregnant women is it!  And that is the most important stage of life for someone to be compromised by alcohol.


So if you can put a mother in jail for drinking alcohol during pregnancy.  Why?  Why would you do that?  Because it creates a great burden to communities!  They don't want to say the reason as the reason.  They know it is the reason.  But they want to be blissfully ignorant as to the meaning of it?

And if it is such a created burden, then how could you not be for the abortion of it?

So it is one of two ways isn't it.

Either you believe in free drunken love because you are a liberal communist Republican that cranks out fetal alcohol syndrome mentally retarded children or you believe that a woman should not be allowed to do that.

And it looks to me like the scales of justice are weighted to one side with jeering hags and that burden I mentioned and the numbskull men that are forced to pander to that weakness.

So in effect one law does take away a womans right to have alcohol but it is an after the fact enforcement.  Which might be considered passive and weak minded.  And the other law is steadfast per the Constitution and cannot be contradicted.

I believe the original amendments to the Constitution were the Rock Solid Ones!  And that some of the ones that came later contradict them and hence are and have been illegal.

But guess what, there is absolutely no one in the United States who is striking down unconstitutional laws like the above.  The people who are tasked with that are instead creating them.  And they are not accountable to oversight.


So you would make her keep the baby so that you could put her in jail?  Pretty sick.

And lets talk about sentencing.

A guy runs over 6 people and kills them with his SUV.  He gets six life sentences.  Now you have some one convicted of a much lesser crime and he gets 35 years in prison.  I beg to argue that there is absolutely no difference to the sentences.  Because their lifespan is each about 35 years from today.

So you have a stacked low justice system?  You can't have that low level crime the same defeacto sentencing as the high level crime.

Who benefits?  The prison system?  You have taken someone out of society?  If they were a threat to the status quo because of education and intelligence they are no more.

And what did I read that there was a rape scheme going on by a male warden of a female prison?

So lets say you convict such a warden and he ends up in the same jail?  What have you solved?  Lets say it also went on in a male prison and you convict that male warden and put him in that same prison?  What have you solved?  The structure and evil are still the same, are they not?  You have that freak in the exact same place he wants to be and he doesn't mind being there?  So awhile back I once said that a prison should have zero homosexuality to it.  And what does that mean?  It means escalated sentencing, doesn't it?  To the extreme.


So the _______ is in the news because of the War between Russia and Ukraine?  And we thought that the last instance of this type of activity was back in the 40's or so?

But what I was reading the other day was that in the Korean War the leader of South Korea had Communist sympathizers rounded up.  And some people he rounded up were probably not communist sympathizers at all.  And he had them sent to a reeducation center.  Now there were United States Generals over there at the time, McArther (sp?) and others and they turned a blind eye to the following activity? But as soon as the war started that South Korean leader had those million people that he had sent to be reeducated shot to death.  So this would have been in the 1950's.

One of the unrecognized horrors of War is just that.  What to do with those who don't agree with your form of Government when you end up in a War with a lesser form of Government?  I suppose you thought that he was supposed to feed them and wait on them hand and foot?  I suppose you thought he was supposed to transfer them to North Korea so that they could be handed rifles and come back over the border to shoot him in droves?  

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

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