The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Was Jesus Motivated by Money 12 18 2022

 Did he not scold the rich for not donating as much money comparatively to his ministry as the poor woman?

He was attempting to motivate the wealthy to donate more money. 

"It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven."

A camel can't fit through the eye of a needle, so he is really saying it is impossible.  He is also implying that the rich did not fairly earn their money.

But lets examine the gestalt or subliminal nature of his comment.

A needle is used for sewing.  Sometimes it is used to sew leather.  Is not a coin purse a sewn strip of leather or two strips of leather sewn together?

And what is the gestalt image of a camel?  A large animal with a hide.  The hide with billows in the belly.  A belly believed to be so full of water that the camel is hoarding water.  A hide sometimes being after the fact converted to leather.  The most pronounced physical feature of the camel being its obscene and gluttonous belly?  Billowing like a coin purse that has too much money in it?

That belly of the camel weighting it down.  It can't run as fast as it could if it didn't have that belly?  Perhaps in comparison to a horse?

A camel having an add shaped long neck.  A fool like gestalt?  As if it is always out of place!

Now put together the gestalt of that image and have you not created a subliminal motivation to a dumb wealthy person to feel guilty or odd?  Alienated, if you will?

Now lets flash forward about 2000 years.  Was not that same imagery very successfully used to get people to aspirate a cancerous and addictive substance?  One of the best investments in the stock market that you could ever make?  But can you live comfortably with the sin of it?  I would say somehow, that no one really can.  Bad energy coming back to your cell division?

And don't you just scratch your head and ask yourself, "Who learned what from whom?"

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Flipside of the issue? ~ attempting to use the money of the rich to defeat the rich?

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