The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Is it true that those who can do? 01 08 2023

 Is it true that those who can, do.  And those who can't, teach?


Some people who can't do can't teach either.

They are so nervous and mealy that you can't learn anything from them.


If someone hasn't learned while you taught, have you really taught?

If people can't learn from your teaching; have you taught?

Or the better question is, if you are teaching people who can't learn is that really teaching?

If it isn't teaching then what is it?  Placating?

OOH! Whoop bang!  Does that last sentence ring a gospel of truth to it?

A former President was kicked out of school.  And went to a paid school.

Was he then taught there?  Or was he placated there?

Were people paid to placate him?

Should the public pay to placate such people?

And look at what happens when a group of such people forms?  A group who had their anger from not being able to learn allayed?  By a prior group who couldn't learn either?

Yeah, I do resent our tax dollars being spent to placate such people.

And perhaps placate wasn't the word I was looking for.

Lets see how it works out with the word, patronize?

To patronize an individual who can't learn?  Yep that is indeed the word I was looking for!

Pay people to patronize those who can't learn.

If that isn't ugly I don't know what is.

So a place where that happens can not be defined as being a school.

Perhaps it is better defined as being a "Patronage?"

You wouldn't have to hire educated people to teach there either.  Because it is a "Patronage" you would hire red curly wig haired clowns to teach.  Think of the cost savings!  Those uneducated red curly wigged clowns have to be a lot cheaper than paying educated teachers!!!

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

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