The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Delegitimization of Everyone Else 01 08 2023

 You can't really delegitimize everyone else!

So they let him dress in womens clothes.  They let him wear his hear long like a woman.  They let him tattoo his own face. etc etc.

Anyone know the recent criminal in Illinois I am talking about?

So what happens when that individual realizes they are not going to make any money in life being that way?

Nobody wants to look at that person in the family store!  Nobody wants to feel that little off feeling they get from it.  Nobody wants to accept that oddness as somehow part of normality?  As somehow part of their own normality?

In effect someone or some function of our society had to patronize that individual instead of raising them?

So again, what happens when they figure out they are not going to make any money in this world from being that odd way of life? 

Somehow that false praise that they received in life, that patronization, they act out on people as if it is the only constant truth they know?

Instead of everyone else being delegitimized in order for them to do well, because you really can't delegitimize everyone else,  they turn violent.

As if to set that final example how oddness that everyone else should be?

And didn't we also see an instance of the person who lost in checkers toss the whole pieces and the board into the air on January 6th 2021?


And how can anyone be said to have defamed the character of someone like that?  All they have to do is open their own mouth and they defame their own character?  So that person found out when they became President they really didn't have all the defense they needed?  In other words their lifetime defenses didn't work as President!  Their excuses, their false alibies, their lies.

They actually believed that everyone else wasn't legitimate didn't they?  That through their patronage they were really the only legitimate one around?

Their rotten behavior was patronized their entire life until the point they believed they were the only real legitimate ones?

Again, you can't delegitimize everyone else.

And sure you could say it is a corollary to, you can't fool everyone all of the time.  Why reduce what I just wrote to that delegitimacy? (new world?  It kind of fouls the English type of mind?  "Deligitimacy?"


In effect he believed in making a celebration of diversity?  He was taught to celebrate his own diversity?

But not everyone else wanted to celebrate that diversity?  They found it rude, obnoxious and immature?  In other words an insult to them?

And again, what happens to that individual when they realize that not everyone else wants to celebrate their diversity?

What happens when they are not wanted in the family store?

What happens when they realize they are not going to make any money through that celebration of diversity?  Another way to say it is, someone gave that individual the false confidence to be a horror?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

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