The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Republicans and Teaching 10 11 2023

 Whether it be the lgbtq issue or critical race theory it seems to be Republicans who spoke up about what they didn't like being taught in school.

But here is an issue that they haven't thought of? 

Teachers who become extremely upset when someone doesn't go along with or condone a belief or emotion of theirs?

As if that anomolys belief is the lynchpin to their entire cognitive house of cards?

And perhaps more importantly it is suggesting something else.  If they can't get other people to believe and accept it they have cognitive dissonance with themselves?

If they can't get fresh young minds to accept a belief system that one might call, a Band-Aid belief system, then it makes them emotionally disturbed.

So it implies they have lived with a non productive delusion of themselves and who they are in this world?

And perhaps it implies mental retardation in teaching?  Why?  Because new ideas will come about in this world.  And those who can't learn how to do something a different and better way can be said to be retarded by some definition?

But to apply perhaps a fractional belief system or rather impose your fractional belief system onto other people?  Fractional because it is flawed; and hence can't be a congruent or complete belief system?

So the new wave people, you thought they were open minded, but that is really close mindedness?

What the hay, I went to Catholic School and observed nun behavior and mannerisms for quite some time.

Maybe Republicans see it from a truer perspective, more immediate, than what one would think?  I mean I can't draw on personal experience as to exactly or specifically what they are complaining about.

And I really would not want Luthernism to be the national religion.   A religion whose key tenet is, it doesn't matter what you do in life as long as at the hour of your death you ask to be saved.  I mean why not just get on the horses with the Mexican bandits in an old western if that were true.

"It doesn't matter what you do in life as long as at the hour of your death you ask to be saved?"  That Lutheran belief is not too much different from what black parents in the core tell their children, "I don't care what you do as long as you don't get caught."  It hasn't taken them in the right direction in life either.  And that is one of the reason I don't like School Choice.  Why would I pay to have that done to my country?  Would I be wrong to call that a veiled British religion?

And what is the emotion of the initial act of two girls or young women deciding to explore each other sexually in private; if not "It doesn't matter what you do in life as long as you don't get caught?"

And did they likely seek that behavior because they were sexually abused in the home in private by like a stepfather?  Highly likely. (Another reason why I am not pro life, not a legitimate father.)  The fathers thieving criminal emotion of excitement being the same, "It doesn't matter what I do in life as long as I don't get caught."

Yes we are free in the United States; but you are not free to be a criminal.  And look at the gestalt of that Lutheran logo?  It is, "It doesn't matter if you are a criminal, as long as at the hour of your death you ask to be saved."  If you wanted to bring down a Democracy of the Free you would put a Church like that on as many corners as you could.  The belief requires no introspection.  The belief requires no reflection on the nature of right or wrong.  It is an illegitimate belief system.   A non Civilization belief system.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

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