The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, October 9, 2023

The Concept of Charging Someone Money 10 09 2023

 The concept of charging someone money because they have none!

Or charging someone money because you have more money than they do.  Which somehow ordains you the right to charge them money.

I know a lot of people wont understand what it means.

But you have to take it into the context of how fines are levied?  And ask yourself the why of it?  To boil it down to the core of why it is happening?

And perhaps Beck stated it best with the song lyrics, "Pistols are pointed at a poor mans pockets?"

One might ask yourself what value is money to a homeless person?  Did money find them to be of value?  Did the structure that rewards people for success value the homeless person?  Might their character be far better than that of the pathological liar who made it all the way to the top?

And so you think this is all odd pipe smoke?

Does not our Constitution state that fines cannot be excessive? 8th Amendment.

Now ask yourself what those Founding Fathers were attempting to prevent.

And do you come to the conclusion that there are a lot of people in the United States who are attempting to prevent the Constitution from preventing what it was attempting to prevent?

So then you have to get into the background and intent of that law. (8th Amendment)  The why of it.

And it has to do with the really bad Character of someone who would want to excessively fine you.

And then you come right and center that the Founding Fathers through the Constitution didn't want people like that to be in the United States.

The reasons for the law have to do with the types of people that are represented by the bad behavior the law is attempting to prevent.  Yeah, a little wordy.  But sometimes when we are prevented or interrupted from expressing ourselves we must prevail and to do so by being wordy.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy


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