The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

On Gun Control 12 26 2023

So Biden pardoned those who got caught smoking marijuana.  Does that mean they are allowed to have a gun?

A bit off topic, but to the point.

Suppose you let someone who is a karate expert out of prison, on parole.  I used to be his hands were classified as a deadly weapon.  Are you going to not allow him to have his hands and feet upon release just as to our would not allow someone convicted of a felony not to  have a gun?

Let's say you had someone the size of Andre the Giant and he doesn't fight fair or like a man at all, convicted of a felony and released.  What are you going to say cant have?

Do you see we here I am going with this?  It seems to go against our Constitution.  Either they should be in in prison, executed or free with all Constitutional Rights.  And it looks like we have erred, considering the high recidivism rate.  So how do you balance that to something more be acceptable?  You have to add weight to the death penalty side.  

But why wouldn't you want to do that?  Perhaps you have some hidden mental defect whereby  you readily identify with criminals who commit horrific acts?  Or perhaps you know without a doubt that you were somehow personally responsible for their bad actions?

Do those who use drugs often start to and do use them under duress?  I assert it is true.  Is a drug dealer not a thug?  Is a drug dealer not a sick manipulator?  And do they not walk hand in hand with the pimp?  And who were the first ones that organized this criminal activity in our country.  The truth might shock you.

Do I have to learn kung fu to live in the U.S?  No, just like I don't have to personally pave the street my house is on.  Just like I don't have to plant an apple tree to eat apples.  The Second Amendment is very clear, as is the first.  And no the red flag goes up in my mind immediately when I hear a wishy washy wishful thinking argument against it.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

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