The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Texas Abortion Law 12 10 2023

 So should they be able to rule whereby the ruling could cause the death of what most of us call an innocent normal woman?

And can members of a Supreme Court be prosecuted for doing so?  I believe it needs to happen.

So the pro lifers believe in having more children.

Okay, go have more children!  Nobody is stopping you from having more children.

What right do you have to say other people should have more children?  Did you ever even stop to think that the people who should be having children can't afford to have them?  Did you ever once think about that?  I doubt it.

And perhaps you yourself who said other people should have more children became very disturbed when you daughter who really wasn't the best became pregnant?

So I think what we have here is a little bit of the female of the species is more dangerous than the male?

The Bible tells us how a woman would lie tooth and nail in order to take someone elses baby.  Because she was sterile?  Because she knows she couldn't have a normal one?  Because she knows that she doesn't have an adult purpose without one?  Because she wants to be like other women?  We will never know the reason.  But we also know that she won't be the one crying when the King brings out his sword to cut the baby in half in order to make the argument about whos it is go away.

And I think we have that vile mind overlaid on a lot of men in the Republican Party.  Perhaps you have a high ranking official who knew he couldn't behave normally as a child.  He is going to be one hundred percent pro life because he knows perhaps he was abnormally different?  And he doesn't want that type of justice to come back?  Ask yourself, "Does he think is spells?"  Or does he think with human reason?  To someone like that laws are spells that they can apply subjectively.  In effect a form of religious persecution of the populous.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

And perhaps this is the greatest argument in favor of evolution?  The reason you are personally not having more children is because of Natural Selection?  Nobody chose you?  You don't like that idea.  You can't understand how nobody chose you?  Can't have anything to do with your awful personality?

And isn't that really a communist belief?  All babies should be kept?  All babies are equal?  But communist are not even of that belief are they.  

Nobody chose you so you have to make your ugly problem be our ugly problem to.

There is no religious idealism that says you should be chosen no matter what?  Other perhaps an ancient King in the Middle East serial raping everybody's wives?  So that you might get a chance to?  Is that what you believe in?  Is that where you want to take our country?

Or perhaps you believe in some odd mutation of Posse Comitatus whereby the town sheriff does that duty?  And didn't we get a hint of that odd issue with Bill Clinton.  We did not reconstruct the South correctly after the Civil War. 

A good woman see's it to.

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