The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, December 11, 2023

On WW1

So United States Banks had invested heavily in the outcome of the War and if the Allied Powers lost it would have bankrupted our nation?

But what did they invest in?  They invested in Imperialism?  Why?  Why were they allowed to?  Because they were not governed against it?

But we went bankrupt later, anyway didn't we; the Great Depression.

Lets look at the timeframe.

WW1 Start  1914  End Nov 11, 1918

U.S. enters WW1   April 6th 1917

The Great Depression 1929-1939

So did we ever get our money back that we "invested" in WW1?

And did money flow from the United States to "Europe" in conjunction with our Stock Market Crash of 1929.


The funny thing is that German Cars are considered to be built better?  

Did you ever really see an strong effort by Britain or France to build good affordable cars for the populous?  Britain, way to expensive.  France, low quality.  They were not really motivated to do so?  Which you know, it is an important thing to consider.

Their Imperialism which we funded was not motivated to fill the needs of the working class car buyer?  Their industry was motivated to imperialism and not products for the people?

I never got it.  We fought like heck to gain our Independence from Great Britain and then we fund them in WW1?  I never got it.  Perhaps you had a wealth class arise in the United States FDR being made to wear a girls dress because Queen Victoria thought it fit their figures better?  What am I trying to say?  The wealthy who controlled our financial system identified with Great Britain and not our Democracy.  They wanted us to be like that?

Now you had the Zimmerman telegraph whereby Germany proposed an idea of Mexico annexing Texas and other United States if the U.S. entered WW1.

But I wonder if there was an initiative to cede our entire nation back to Great Britain?  I think it has to do with those who find no personal and meaningful identity in our Constitutional based Democracy.  That would be an interesting point to research more thoroughly. 

We see it with leaders of the Republican Party?  

And how we got into WW1 is relevant in terms of what is going on in Eurasia today.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

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