The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How come we never hear that a woman goes to the psychiatrists and says

How come we never hear that a woman goes to the psychiatrists and says

 "Doctor I think that I am a witch!"

The most common thing we hear is Doctor I think that I am Jesus Christ.  And then they are labeled insane because they identify with Jesus Christ to the point that they believe they are him.

The original settlers to America hung witches. 

And one cannot argue this country was founded on great principals- our Constitution.

Today we never hear women complain that they believe they are witches.  Is it the norm that a woman is a witch then?  Is it the norm that a woman should be a witch.

"Doctor I think that I am a witch!" she said, and the cloudy skies cleared to form a warm sunny day.

We do not even have the structure to handle people who think they are bad in this country.  There is no where they can go and confess that they are a bad person and be admonished for it.

I would like to hear them complain about this once.  It would be an inspirational source of humor to hear how bad they were.  It could even be a reality television show.  "Doctor I feel that I am a witch.  I have done bad things to get where I am and my conscience can no longer bear it," she said.

The whole concept seems rather odd and unfamiliar yet resonates with truth.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally pubished on 05 03 2011 at:

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