The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, May 1, 2015

This Lawyer has recommended to a Jury that this man be freed 05 01 2015

This lawyer has recommended to a Jury that this man be freed. He staked his personal reputation on his innocence??????

The man went on to commit more crimes; horrific rape followed by murders.

The attorney that convinced the public (jury) of innocence is guilty of a fraudulent representation!

But our black supreme court already headed us off at the pass on that one and say's its okay for a Mexican to fraudulently pose as a General and run for Governor.

He staked his personal reputation on his innocence?” --It's not true but somehow it should be! It should be a true statement but it isn't! Big flaw and threat to Democracies, right?
It balances society towards criminal wealth!

The problem with this attitude is that is a man that NEVER considers that his wife could be the next victim!  He never stops to consider that his race could be the next victim from the aggregate and accumulated consequences of his actions.  Why are true Patriarchal considerations never a concern to him?


This President (1932) deemed this substance safe for human consumption. It caused:

  1. Violent crime.
  2. Mental retardation.
He wasn't concerned with the General Health and Welfare of the public either was he!


The United States medical community asserted that people who think like this and then hear voices need to be drugged? They staked humanities future on the decision per the best of their personal ability too?
"This man's continued desire to think for himself has given my wife depression."  ~ the monkey's are with us?

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2014
Originally published on 05 01 2015 at:

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