The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Would she have that problem if she were at her kitchen sink washing dishes 05 19 2015

Would she have that problem if she were at her kitchen sink washing dishes 05 19 2015

If someone can't function in professionalism because they are changing to your cognition and if confuses them when they attempt to express themselves it means that they do not belong in the positions that they do.

For example a woman on television can't keep her train of thought or concrete sentences because she is dependent minded to your cognition; would she have that problem if she were standing at her kitchen sink washing dishes?  No!  So what does it mean?

That people like this really pose a detriment to society!  Why, the creation and expense of illegitimacy.

This might be considered a legacy from the arrogance of the slave owning south?

Basically people like that need to be demoted to positions whereby they are no longer expressing their emotional disturbance!

And I do indeed believe in detention camps for people like that!  And they would indeed be served the best food and have the best living conditions.  That should sober them up?  I bet it would be the most positive experience they ever had in their lives.  There could indeed be some manual labor for them to do. 

But what am I really suggesting?  Segregating out the communist element of our country to a discrete communist setting; so that it does not indeed degrade our freedom!  They want communism so let them have it; but not for the rest of us!  They would indeed finally be productive to their true means for once in their lives.  Key development stages could be revisited and basic needs of cognition and human interaction met.  They could learn to care for their own offspring.  To learn to have patience and make a one on one meaningful connection to their child!  They would learn how to think independently like men and women do.

All their needless pretenses would be washed away!  There would be no drugs of escapism to run to when they don't like their personal emotional states because of personal history!  That is the best thing that you could do for a person!  Do that for a person and you are indeed their savior!

The entire media experience would change to one that reflects honest human expressions and emotions!  Envy would be eliminated as they learned how to hold their own in life!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 05 19 2015 at:


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