The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Giving Humor 12 26 2018

Christmas Giving Humor  12 26 2018

"Give someone a pot to cook rice in and they use it as a hat."

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

But look at the way that Christmas and Easter are scheduled on the Calender? It is as if they wanted to give a tribe of dumb people something to look forward to in the Spring?  So that they wouldn't end up killing and robbing you for the food you worked so hard for and stored up?

Because they were dealing with a people that were so dumb they couldn't recognize the changing of the seasons so they built the idea into part of a religion?

Christmas being thought of as 4 days after the start of winter?  That is when they sacrifice someone?  Then to make people hopeful they tell them that the person they sacrificed and killed will be coming back in three months?  Why?  The Romans were likely scared of a widespread revolt or further attacks by tribal factions like the Celtics?  The Celtics virtually destroyed them in their first encounter at war.  And to be honest they should have completely wiped them out!

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