The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, December 21, 2018

Indian presence in Germany 1920's or 1930's? 12 21 2018

Indian presence in Germany 1920's or 1930's?  12 21 2018

So you can go to Wikipedia and see that a goal of the Sikh religion is to join with a higher consciousness.  Think about it?  What exactly does it mean?  Put that together with having a third eye on your forehead which means you want everyone to believe you have psychic powers?

All well and good.  You read that and it means jack shit to you.  You would think differently if it were your consciousness they were attempting to adjoin to.  You would think a lot differently if you knew that and also knew that it was erroneously and fraudulently being given a medical label as to the person whose consciousness was attempting to be adjoined to.  You would read that and you would think,  "Hey wait a minute!"

Granted being a seer or practicing Ov or Donsita (sp?) is highly forbidden in the Bible and God said that he would turn a blind eye while they were being evicted if people he led to a new land practiced that or homosexuality.

(The British had a different concept of what God was among the controlling leadership.  Different than what they told/taught the public, still is today.)

So you had the British Empire trading with India and attempting to control it.

Which brings me back to the title here.

If you had that new presence in Germany would the rate of schizophrenia increase?  Coinciding with the presence?  The better question is does the rate of schizophrenia increase in response to certain religions (people) immigrating to the country in question?

You had a German Dye business in India pre WW1.  Think Specialty Chemicals.  Think very wealthy business owners.  Is it getting interesting?

Three quarters of the dyes going into India came from Germany.

I might insert a German proverb here:  "He who has no children raises many!"

British India declared War on Nazi Germany in September of 1939.

If you know even one piece of United States History you know that the main conflict the to be United States had with Britain was Religious Freedom.  In other words you don't tell me to worship a King as God.  You do not subject me to the ruler-ship and taxation whims of divine right.  You do not persecute me because I believe in myself.

But look at the money conflict right there.

"World War Two in Europe began on 3rd September 1939, when the Prime Minister of Britain, Neville Chamberlain, declared war on Germany."

But indeed hadn't the leadership of Poland fled already?  Or wait it was just the leadership that wanted more communist principles that had fled to England?  And it stated to have been the Government in exile?  Kind of fuzzy. 

Britain imprisoned 10's of thousands of Indian leaders who opposed India fighting in WW2 and wanted London to declare India's Independence first.  2.5 million Indian Soldiers were sent in by the British Raj.

And this is starting to look sketchy.  But I am getting at the rapid increase in schizophrenia.  Could it have a lot to do with further developments of this 1831 invention?  The magneto generator?

Hippolyte Pixii a France Company built it.
And what was it used for and sold for?  What was that company folded into?  What did the major owners and profiteers from that company go on to do with their lives and future family members???

(What if that France based company was using that device to make people sick and give them pain and also then controlling the opiate fields/production?   Ooh! Nasty!)

And how does this play into the device that was used in a Seance to attempt to fool or spook/scare/shock Abraham Lincoln?

Very crucial piece of United States History that is missing right there.  Who made that.

I read that fact in either Smithsonian or Scientific American a long time ago.  You would think it would pop straight up on an internet search.  How come something very important like that doesn't?

That's it for now.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

Wait another minute.  There is another piece to this.  The opiate dens in India?

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